Monday, June 25, 2018

"What and who is New Albany Social?"

New Albany Social has been mentioned here a few times, and it seems appropriate to drop the name again.

Kelly's and Beth's grassroots enthusiasm is contagious. It's pleasingly non-corporate, and comes spontaneously. What they're doing is great, and let's hope for many more posts.

Go to Facebook, like the page and pay attention. I've learned a lot just by reading New Albany Social's posts, and you can, too.


So here we are... Kelly on the left, Beth on the right

New Albany Social started as a page to showcase all of the wonderful places we have in downtown New Albany.

Kelly started the page in August of 2017 with the hopes to bring people downtown and maybe have a couple events to help the cause.

Kelly is a mother of three humans and three dogs. She works at Schmitt Furniture on the furniture corner of State and Main in New Albany 😉. Kelly has always been in love with downtown New Albany, even before it was cool. She remembers the excitement of seeing the purple florescent Wicks sign going up on State Street.

Beth joined New Albany Social in April of 2018. Her first post about the lavender tea from Roadrunner Kitchen was so popular that Roadrunner ran out of cups.

Beth is a single mom of a man child and a cat. But we don’t judge her because of the cat. She works at Chase Bank here in downtown and also lives downtown! She walks a lot. So if you see a post about walking, it’s her. Definitely not Kelly.

So how can you help our cause?

Like! Love! Comment!

The more you do that, the more it spreads. The more it spreads, the more people see of our New Albany awesomeness.

If you are a downtown business and want to be featured, let us know! We don’t charge to feature you. We do this in our free time with mostly our own money. We do get a wonderful gift every now and then that we appreciate so much.

If you are a business and you want to sponsor events or posts, please let us know!

You can reach us by messaging us on Facebook or by email.

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