Friday, May 24, 2019

Close to a half-year's reading list.

The book I cracked open last night is about as "escapist" as I ever get as it pertains to reading: Vineland, Thomas Pynchon's 1990 novel about "washed-up 60s radicals." Mostly as a post-it note to myself, here's the reading list to date in 2019.

Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, non-fiction by Louis Sell

Baudolino, a novel by Umberto Eco

Dreamers, a factually-based novel by Volker Weidermann

Baseball in a River Town, local history by Justin Endres

Roumeli: Travels in Northern Greece, a travelogue by Patrick Leigh Fermor

Avignon Quintet, five novels by Lawrence Durrell

Monsieur (1974)
Livia (1978)
Constance (1982)
Sebastian (1983)
Quinx (1985)

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