BAYLOR: ‘Life in OSi a grim reality’
Cleveland Plain Dealer Reporter
(New Albany, OSI) — November 15th, 2065, is the 50th ISindependence Day in One Southern Indiana, the impoverished, stubbornly paternalistic enclave that broke away from Indiana after the state's favorite son, Mitch Daniels, suffered a landslide loss to Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Today's Tribune column: ‘Life in OSi a grim reality.’
Max-Neef: "We act systematically against the evidences we have."
1. The economy is to serve the people, not the people to serve the economy.
2. Development is about people, and not about objects.
3. Growth is not the same as development, and development does not necessarily require growth.
4. No economy is possible in the absence of ecosystem services.
5. The economy is a subsystem of a larger finite system — the biosphere, hence permanent growth is impossible.
“No economic interest, under any circumstances, can be more important than LIFE in all its manifestations.”
Oh, and I'm bringing a ski mask to the parade party on Saturday if I can find one. Join me if you like.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Parade beer, frivolity as we plot Saturday agitprop.
Pete at DRC says: "Plenty of YES signs available, and I'll print 12x18 NO TOLLS posters for anyone who wants them."
Both yes and no ... I like that. What shall we transmit to Pete? There needs to be coordination of our uncoordinated effort on Saturday as we propagandize the parade route!
Ideas? Slogans?
Hmm, wonder if I still have the "No Blood for 1Si" sign somewhere ...
Slumlord obfuscation remains the best anti-annexation strategy.
R-10-31 Resolution of the Common Council of the City of New Albany, Indiana, Adopting a Fiscal Plan for the Annexation of Property Contiguous to the City of New Albany, Indiana ... Messer
G-10-19 An Ordinance Setting Salaries for the Year 2011 for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees ... Messer 3rd
X-10-01: An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of New Albany, Indiana, annexing certain territory to the City of New Albany, Indiana, placing the same within the corporation boundaries thereof and making the same part of the City of New Albany ... Messer 3rd
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Floyd Action Network's (FAN) Workshop Series on a theme of "Floyd County: Our Land Tells Its Own Story."
Floyd Action Network is an umbrella organization that promotes citizen participation in best land use practices for rural and urban neighborhoods.
Our Workshop Series – Floyd County: Our Land Tells Its Own Story
Learn how to influence land use decisions in Floyd County. To register for the free workshops, send an email message to FAN. Please include your name, the titles, and the dates of the workshops you want to attend.
Workshop #1
"The Lay of the Land"
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Presenter -- Joshua Poe, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Environmental Policy and Management, University of Louisville
Location - Division Street School, New Albany
Learn how the land in Floyd County shaped its present-day character and structure and how Floyd County’s citizens can influence the future use of our County’s land resources.
Workshop #2
"Neighborhoods: Rows of Pockets on the Land’s Apron"
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Presenters - Joshua Poe, Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Environmental Policy and Management, University of Louisville and Jack Trawick, Executive Director, Center For Neighborhoods, Louisville, Kentucky
Learn how to keep the rain that falls on your property at home, how to prevent your street from flooding, and how our choices of transportation influence water retention and water drainage.
Workshop #3
"The Law of the Land"
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Presenter - Mark Spelbring, Purdue Extension Service, Parke County
Location - Purdue Technology Center, 3000 Technology Ave, New Albany
Learn how planning and zoning ordinances have influenced the quality of our lives, the quality of our land, and how individuals can effectively influence land use ordinances.
Workshop #4
"Laying Down the Law of the Land"
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Presenter – Jamie Palmer, Center for Urban Policy and the Environment, Indiana University, Indianapolis
Location - Purdue Technology Center, 3000 Technology Ave, New Albany
Learn who’s who in the public hearing process, the planning and zoning issues for which public hearings are legally mandated, what is included in the public hearing agenda, and guidelines for making effective presentations.
All workshops begin at 6:30 pm and end at 8:30 pm.
Arrive by 6:00 pm for complimentary refreshments.
Our generous sponsors:
Rundell Ernstberger Associates, Louisville and Indianapolis. Center for Environmental Policy and Management, University of Louisville, Louisville. Purdue Technology Center, New Albany.
© 2010 Floyd Action Network, Inc., P O Box 211, Floyds Knobs, Indiana 47119. Email:
"Fifty-three percent of Protestants could not identify Martin Luther as the man who started the Protestant Reformation."
Basic Religion Test Stumps Many Americans, by Laurie Goodstein (New York Times).
“Even after all these other factors, including education, are taken into account, atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons still outperform all the other religious groups in our survey,” said Greg Smith, a senior researcher at Pew.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Clere vs. Gibson: Mercenary mailings from afar obviously differ in tone.

Gibson's first big mailing of the season is above, and Skeletor is below.
Last month's Republican attack on Gibson features a skeleton hand that comes near being life-sized, and spews scattershot negative innuendo about Gibson, while saying nothing about Clere.
The Democratic postcard's attack on Clere (for using Skeletor to tell "lies") uses words, not pictures, and is restricted to a box less than 25% the size of the postcard's back side. Plainly (no more "Clerely" jokes from me), the Gibson mailing concerns the Democratic candidate himself and his qualifications, while the Republican mailing is a full-bore, negative attack.
Does this mean that Clere has not been attacked in past Democratic mailings? No, only that in the current round -- so far -- the huge preponderance of negativity has emanated from Clere's Indy mercenaries, and not Gibson's. I am looking for copies of a Democratic mailing last spring (we did not receive it at the 1117 ESSNA) that allegedly attacked Clere for local neighborhood school closings. If it can be found, we'll consider the charges therein, so if you have a copy, let me know.
Things to do today.
1. Get my two business entities the hell out of One Southern Indiana, as fast as humanly possible, and take as many other business entities with us as we can manage. Regime change now; divest and disinvest.
(Check - letter sent to Dalby … will he delete it? Or was that the other guy?)
2. Find that photo from back in 2007, when 1Si welcomed the worst president in US history to New Albany in what amounted to a Republican Party fundraiser.
(Might not get around to that one. Being right is too much fun)
4. Try to figure out why self-congratulatory politicians like Rep. Ed Clere incessantly remind us that their stance on taxes is crucial, yet when we ask about bridge tolls - a tax, pure and simple - they scurry like mice and hide. I call that disingenuous. 1Si calls it an endorsement.
(At least it puts paid to the 70K -- hopefully Michael Dalby doesn't need NA's blood money to make payroll)
5. Begin preparations for the coming Saturday’s annual NA Confidential parade party at the 1117 E Spring Street Neighborhood Association: Let's protest tolls, heckle 1Si, and drink beer at NAC's 6th annual Harvest Homecoming Parade Gala at 1117 ESSNA -- this Saturday, Oct. 2.
(There's going to be wicked theater, folks. I live for times like these)
6. Get to work on Fringe Fest publicity: Fringe Fest 2010 at Bank Street Brewhouse begins Oct. 7.
(Fringe Fest is a non-tolling venue)
7. Squeeze in another 125 biking kilometers this week to meet my September goal of 800.
(Depends on the weather and available time)
8. Write the coming week’s Tribune column. There is so little to say, although one possibility is trying to understand why my questions constitute strident partisanship, while 1Si’s endorsements do not. Maybe someone’s God was involved with that one.
(Look: I tossed him a softball, and in return, he clubbed me in the head with the bat. Why didn't he knock an easy pitch out of the park? But I suppose we got the answer to that one when the 1Si endorsements came out. The fix was in, all along, wasn't it?)
9. Start thinking about my next beer course, which begins on Wednesday, October 6: Continuing beer education: "Here's to Beer" non-credit IUS course returns in October.
(Learning is good)
10. Ask Mayor England where he stands on tolling.
(He really needs to make a definitive statement, don’t you think?)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Let's protest tolls, heckle 1Si, and drink beer at NAC's 6th annual Harvest Homecoming Parade Gala at 1117 ESSNA -- this Saturday, Oct. 2.
Saturday (October 2) will be the 6th annual Harvest Homecoming parade viewing party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Confidential at their domicile on East Spring Street, home of the world's largest condom machine, which eliminates the need for membership dues at the 1117 East Spring Neighborhood Association.
If you're reading, you're invited to drop by. As noted many times before, there’ll be craft beer and a place to watch the parade, which will NOT again include NABC representation in the form of Rosa L. Stumblebus and our usual fire truck, because we decided there was too much going on, at least until the NuLu fest committee got medieval with us (see above) and we retracted.
Stay tuned this week as we formulate ways to be clever and greet tolling proponents as they ride past on their floats. It stands to be a wonderful opportunity to protest tolls, denounce 1Si's coup d'etat, and drink good beer all the while.
As in 2009, we'll probably move the 1117 celebration downtown after the parade, largely eliminating evening hours at the house as a result. But that's okay, because these days, New Albany actually HAS a downtown.
1117 will be open from around 10:00 a.m. (White Castle breakfast). Please bring morning/afternoon beer snacks, non-alcoholic drinks as needed, a sitting apparatus if desired, and we’ll improvise the rest. The draft lineup will be composed of partial kegs from NABC Grant Line. Trust me; I've been saving that last Rodenbach Grand Cru for a reason.
We hope to see readers this Saturday. If you're an anonymous commentator from another blog, you're welcomed, too, but must wear a paper sack over your head to preserve the fiction.
2009: Harvest Homecoming Parade, the annual parade party, and Day One of Fringe Fest.
2008: 4th annual NAC HH parade party is tomorrow.
2007: A few parade views.
2006: Time for just one more -- beer, not parade float.
2005: Volunteer Hoosier notes that extremist venom rained on at least part of the Harvest Homecoming Parade.
An ethical and legal morass.
One of the more interesting aspects of this situation to me is the people and institutions involved. Below is a list of 1si's "Top Investors" as shown on their web site.
* River Ridge Development Authority
* Geo. Pfau's Sons Company, Inc.
* Floyd Memorial Hospital and Health Services
* Clark Memorial Hospital
* Clark County REMC
* Wooded Glen Retreat & Conference Center, Inc.
* Your Community Bank
* The Koetter Group, Inc.
* Stites & Harbison, PLLC
* Southern Indiana Realtors Association, Inc.
* Schuler Bauer Real Estate Services
* Rodefer Moss & Co, PLLC
* PNC Bank
* Monroe Shine & Co., Inc. CPA's
* MedVenture Technology Corporation
* McCauley Nicolas & Company, LLC CPAs
* MAC Construction & Excavating, Inc.
* Libs Paving Co., Inc.
* Koetter Woodworking, Inc.
* K.M. Stemler Company, Inc.
* Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
* Indiana-American Water Company
* imi South
* Hughes Group, Inc.
* Fifth Third Bank
* Duke Energy
* Consolidated Grain & Barge
* City of Jeffersonville
* Chase
* AT&T Indiana
* AML, Inc.
Readers will note the presence of publicly funded institutions. I wonder how citizens feel about their tax dollars being used to support an organization engaged in the promotion of specific legislative agendas and candidates, often against their own interests. Is it ethical? Is it legal?
And if it is legal, should it be? Isn't that a question appropriate for the candidates themselves?
Sunday reading: "A Poem Written for Rush Limbaugh From a Tough Smart Green."
(Note - tried to post earlier, kept getting error messages)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Strassenfest today!
Day Two of LCBW is all about German beer culture as viewed through the lens of craft beer, with Strassenfest at New Albany's Riverfront Amphitheater beginning at 3:00 p.m. It's shaping up to be a beautiful day, so stop in for a beer and a brat. We'll be serving beer and food (from Steinert's) until last call at 10:30 p.m. The event is designed to be for all ages, and there'll be music, art, storytelling and fun for the kids, as is the custom at similar gatherings in Central Europe.
It could be the start of a fine new pre-Harvest Homecoming tradition in New Albany. Hope to see readers there, some time this afternoon and evening.
LCBW's Strassenfest on Day Two, at New Albany's Riverfront Amphitheater on Sept. 25.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Finally, it all becomes Clere: One Southern Indiana now Grooms partisanship, endorses candidates for elected office.
One Southern Indiana's Board of Directors Endorses Candidates
Since 2008, One Southern Indiana has worked diligently to become an active advocate for business and to be more politically engaged. The Public Policy Council was formed with several key goals as outlined by our Board of Directors. A major aim of this group was to draft a Legislative Agenda that addressed issues at the Federal, State and Local level (which included input from the general membership). The Public Policy Council works to ensure that we have a government climate that encourages business growth, economic development and job creation.
The PPC has taken yet another step by recommending candidate endorsements for the November elections. Over the past few months, the PPC interviewed candidates which provided us the opportunity to see how those prospective office holders lined up with our legislative priorities. (The Legislative Agenda and the 2010 Public Policy Council members can be viewed on our website)
Yesterday the 1SI Board of Directors ratified the Public Policy Council's recommendations. The press release below is going out this morning. This is a bold new stand for One Southern Indiana, and we wanted you all to be the first to know. We encourage you to vote, encourage your fellow workers to vote, and request that you consider these endorsements as we work to elect leaders who understand that business pays the most in taxes and business drives our economy. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Michael at or 812.945.0266 ext. 202
One Southern Indiana endorses political candidates in 2010 elections
NEW ALBANY, Ind. - (September 24, 2010) - One Southern Indiana today announced its first-ever endorsements of political candidates in a general election. One Southern Indiana's Board of Directors ratified the following endorsements as recommended by its Public Policy Council at the board's September 23 meeting:
In the IN District 46 State Senate race - Ron Grooms
In the IN District 72 State Representative race - Ed Clere
In the IN District 71 State Representative race - Steve Stemler
In the IN 9th Congressional District race - Todd Young
Dale Gettelfinger, One Southern Indiana board member and Chair of our Public Policy Council stated, "The Public Policy Council made these recommendations after seeking face-to-face interviews with these candidates. The only exception was with Congressman Baron Hill, with whom we repeatedly tried to meet but who couldn't find the time." Gettelfinger also noted that, "While Steve Stemler is running unopposed; we have worked closely with Representative Stemler on a number of issues and felt his service to Clark County merited our endorsement."
One Southern Indiana President Michal Dalby noted, "Taking a more engaged role in public policy issues that impact business was a key goal of our Board, and last year we adopted a formal Legislative Agenda. This year we took the next steps by developing a clear legislative agenda, interviewing candidates and endorsing those who we feel support our goals of growing the Clark and Floyd county economies and adding jobs."
The following statements of decision were also adopted:
- Council Member Ron Grooms is a small business owner who knows what it is to make payroll and hire employees. He supports local government simplification and his experience in local government in Jeffersonville gives him the ability to know where we can simplify. He supports the Ohio River Bridges Project and he believes we should give our local school administrators more flexibility to improve education.
· State Representative Ed Clere believes we should let the Bridges Authority do their job and come up with the best financial plan to fund this major jobs project. He says he is not advocating eliminating collective bargaining. Instead, he is concerned the teachers unions may o become so preoccupied with it that they will forget that education is all about teaching our children. He also feels tax increases can be avoided if we work to find additional efficiencies in state and local government.
· State Representative Steve Stemler voted to delay increases on Unemployment Insurance tax last session due to a downturn in the economy. He authored the legislation that led to the current Bi-State Authority. He has worked for key legislation that has assisted in infrastructure development at the River Ridge Commerce Center and the Port of Indiana - Jeffersonville.
· Congressional Candidate Todd Young believes in real health insurance reform that bends the cost curve downward and improves access to affordable health insurance. He believes that Congress should set priorities and invest in our energy, transportation and telecommunications infrastructure. He feels the tax system should be oriented toward attracting investment and growing jobs.
Additionally, One Southern Indiana will monitor the voting records of these and other candidates to examine how their actions reflect their platforms and our legislative agenda.
We did not make endorsements in all races, and lack of an endorsement should not be interpreted as a "non-endorsement" of either candidate in a race.
Attached is the One Southern Indiana's 2011 Legislative Agenda.
Since its creation in July 2006, One Southern Indiana's economic development efforts have resulted in commitments for approximately 5,901 net new jobs in Clark and Floyd Counties. A total of 67 attraction and expansion projects have contributed more than $321 million in new initial capital and $205.6 million in new annual payroll to Southern Indiana.
Michael Dalby, President; One Southern Indiana - 812.945.0266 ext. 202
Tonya Fischer, VP, Investor & Government Relations; One Southern Indiana - 812.945.0266 ext. 206
Dale Gettelfinger, Chairman, Public Policy Council; One Southern Indiana - 812-945-2311
Chef Lehman's Craft Beer for Brunch at NABC's Bank Street Brewhouse, this Sunday (Sept.26).
Sunday, September 26
LCBW's Craft Beer for Brunch
NABC Bank Street Brewhouse
415 Bank Street, New Albany, IN
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., and on ...
The third day of LCBW's epic run is devoted to proper recovery from the rigors of cask-conditioned beers and Strassenfest: LCBW's Craft Beer for Brunch.
Join Chef Josh Lehman and his Bank Street Brewhouse staff for this multiple course brunch paired with American craft brews, both NABC and guests.
Bank Street Brewhouse will open at 11:00 a.m., and the bruunch begins at 12 Noon. Also at noon, a special cask of NABC's Coffee Oatmeal Stout Winter ReplicAle (Brewers of Indiana Winterfest, 2010) will be tapped. Oktoberfest kegs remaining from Strassenfest will be tapped if possible.
Here's the menu:
Eggs Benedict - English Muffin, La Quercia Prosciutto, Poached Quail Egg, Orange Hollandaise (Jolly Pumpkin Calabaza Blanca)
Shrimp Ceviche - Heirloom Tomatoes, Tomatillos , Cucumber (NABC Black Grass Saison)
Duck Confit Crepes - Creme Fraiche, Granola, Bob Capshew’s Black Cherry Vinegar (Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale)
Chorizo Hash - Yukon Gold Potatoes,Mutzu Apples, Pickled Red onion (Three Floyds Alpha King)
Intermezzo - Thomas Family Gales Cider
Beer Braised Breakfast Sausage - House Made Pork Sausage, Rye Spaetzle, Cherry Mostarda (Dark Horse Reserve Special Black Bier)
Capriole Farms Cheese Plate - Julianna, Mont St. Francis (NABC Warrior, NABC Summit)
Coffee & Doughnuts - House Made Doughnuts (NABC Oak Aged Cask Coffee Porter)
Price is $45.00 per person, reservations only, and beers are subject to change. Call Bank Street Brewhouse at 812-725-9585, or e-mail Joe Phillips.
The 1Simpire strikes back.
But Mr. Dalby, don't be too exact about the details of the work ... and by the way, can we do some HVAC funding, too? Just tell us where to lavish the subsidy.
What? You bill for simple directional slush? Hey, that's fine. Put it on our tab.
Dalby: Public, private sectors should work togetherEven though Dalby apparently does not labor under the apparent gag order inflicted on Ed Clere and Ron Grooms by Saint Mitch, he conveniently fails to address the negative effect on small business, jobs, the economy and families posed by tolling existing Ohio River bridges to finance the elephantine boondoggle of the ORBP.
We did not request funding from the city of New Albany, but when council member Jeff Gahan approached us about New Albany contracting with 1si for economic development services, we were honored and encouraged by the council’s consideration. Community development works best when public-private partnerships are forged seeking to build up the economy and where the goal is to help businesses create jobs that help individuals and families prosper.
Rather, it would appear that a egregious charm campaign is gearing up. On Wednesday, Jerry Finn wrote a letter to the editor explaining the benefits of the Horseshoe Foundation's Small Business Revolving Loan Fund: Yes, and as I'd already pointed out in my weekly column of September 16, these benefits are quite real.
Unfortunately, in spite of the ongoing imperative to link them to 1Si, they have little to do with the administrator of the application process. Concurrently, 1Si's big business as usual ideologies (see: bridge tolls, exurban sprawl advocacy) Clerely hurt the prospects for small business just as much as the Foundation's monies assist them.
Meanwhile, Bluegill has more for you on the topic of Dalby's column. Wait for it ...
Nash: "Who is Yanni?"
NASH: A little dried, mixed flower petals
... You may ask what a non-binding, purely symbolic resolution in Jeffersonville has to do with the citizens of New Albany. One of the people voting in support of tolls on Ohio River Bridges is a candidate to represent us in the Indiana State Senate. He refused to vote for the resolution citing lack of information on the subject. If I wanted to be a State Senator, whose job would begin on Jan. 1, I think I would start reading up on the subject. The legislature will be asked to sign off on any plan that the Bi-State Authority comes up with.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Today's Tribune column: "Quoth the Raven: “S’pose so.”
BAYLOR: Quoth the Raven: “S’pose so.”
... My fundamental position with respect to politics in the United States is that of a conscientious objector. In my view, the two-party system is completely and utterly fraudulent. However, in spite of my antipathy, it remains political reality, and until I “move to France if I don’t like it,” compromises are necessary. If someone hands me a lemon, the least I can do is squeeze it into my adversary’s face.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Train travel to move people efficiently. What a concept (here in the KY-ana tolling Mecca).
Frankfurt by train, faster than flying; After Paris and Brussels, direct high-speed train service to Germany expected to run from 2013, from the Guardian on line.The Guardian also considers the aesthetic benefits of this service.
A German high-speed train will visit Britain for the first time next month on a dry run for a direct rail service between London and Frankfurt.
... Eurostar, the Paris and Brussels service that operates from St Pancras, has been a success since its 1994 debut, now carrying more than 9 million passengers and taking three-quarters of the air and rail market between London and the French and Belgian capitals.
DB is considering a route that would start in Frankfurt – the heart of Germany's finance industry – with possible stops at Cologne and Brussels en route to London. The service is expected to grow the high-speed rail market between London and the continent by around 10%, carrying more than 1 million passengers per year.
Beyond Frankfurt - the Rhine ValleyThe German high-speed ICE trains already travel the countryside adjacent to the Rhine Valley, reducing the need to run long distance trains through the riverside line. We took one in 2007. If you wish to go quickly between Frankfurt and Cologne, you can. If you wish to dawdle beneath the awning at a Rhineland vineyard, you can.
Plans by Deutsche Bahn, the German state railway, to run direct train services between London and Frankfurt will gladden the hearts of innkeepers, castellans and walking and cycle tour operators across the historic and beautiful, riverine landscapes of the Rhine Palatinate, known since 1946 as the German federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz.
Options. How quaint.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
La Rosita is opening at its new Pearl Street location on Wednesday, September 22.
Surprise entry in the city council caption contest!

Submitted by none other than Freedom to Screech's own trognonymous non-professor! And here we though she wasn't reading. Contest entries are still being accepted, but Erika obviously has pulled ahead of IAH. Submit your witticism here: It's time for another city council caption contest!
Previously: Caption contest: What Otis said.
At least the Jeff council's pro-toll vote provides us with electoral clarity with regard to Ron Grooms.
To date, he has said he must wait until after the election (how very convenient!) to be told what to believe by the unelected bridge authority; like Ed Clere, he has deleted questions on the topic from his Facebook page; and he has cited his continuing ignorance about the topic as prime excuse for bailing out of the discussion, in spite of being repeatedly forewarned and having ample time to educate himself.
In his bridge confusion, I believe Grooms is displaying political cowardice and revealing a disturbing intellectual laziness. Speaking only for myself, I will be voting against Grooms this fall, and advise Floyd Countians to do the same.
Jeffersonville City Council won’t say no to tolls, by David Mann (Evening News)
... At one point cheers and hoots got so loud that Mayor Tom Galligan threatened to have police remove those who acted uncivil ...
... (Keith) Fetz said voting against the resolution was a vote in support of tolls, which Grooms countered wasn’t fair.
“We have no information to make a sound decision. Period,” he said.
Monday, September 20, 2010
My own poster for Strassenfest on September 25 at the Amphitheater.

Enter the baking contest at the LCBW/New Albany Strassenfest on Saturday, September 25.

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Louisville Craft Beer Week begins on Sept. 24. Here is an overview of the celebration.
Sept. 24 – Oct. 2, 2010
Educate … Inspire … Imbibe

Louisville Craft Beer Week is all of us: Breweries and wholesalers, package retailers and pubs, bars and restaurants, homebrewers and serial growler fillers.
Most importantly, Louisville Craft Beer Week is you: Craft beer lovers living, working and playing right here in our region. Your patronage and enthusiasm makes it happen for all of us, and we thank you.
Louisville Craft Beer Week is modeled on similar celebrations in places like Philadelphia and Cleveland, but whatever the locale, the intent remains the same: Showcasing the incredible variety, dynamism and expanding market presence of craft brewing in America.
When you’re out and about during Louisville Craft Beer Week, always drink responsibly and whatever you do, don’t drive drunk.
Louisville Craft Beer Week’s Sponsors
Louisville Craft Beer Week has three primary sponsors. When you patronize them, don’t forget to thank them for supporting craft beer:
*BoomBozz Taphouse
*Liquor Barn
For primary sponsor tastings schedules, visit
Louisville Craft Beer Week’s Marquee Events
Day 1 on Friday, September 24: Cask Fest at BBC St. Matthews
Day 2 on Saturday, September 25: Strassenfest in New Albany
Day 3 on Sunday, September 26: Beer for Brunch at Bank Street Brewhouse
Day 4 on Monday, September 27: L & N Wine Bar & Bistro's Beer Dinner
Day 5 on Tuesday, September 28: LCBW & Cafe Lou Lou Beer Dinner with Bell's Brewery
Day 6 on Wednesday, September 29: Goose Island Beer Dinner at 610 Magnolia
Day 7 on Thursday, September 30: Indiana vs. Kentucky Draft Day at Rocky's Sub Pub
Day 9 on Saturday, October 2: 3rd Annual BBC Volksfest (BBC Main & Clay)
For full descriptions of these events, go to
Craft Beer All Over Town
There are numerous other craft beer samplings, pairings and events taking place during Louisville Craft Beer Week, both at our primary sponsors, and destinations like these:
Bluegrass Brewing Company (St. Matthews)
Flanagan's Old Ale HouseFrankfort Ave Beer Depot (Frankfort Avenue location)
Hideaway Saloon
Left Field Lounge
Louisville Beer Store
O’Shea’s Irish Pub
Patrick O’Shea’s Public House
Sergio’s World Beers
Westport Whiskey & Wine
View the full list:
Louisville Craft Beer Week On Line
Louisville Craft Beer Week’s main web site:
We’re also on Facebook:, or simply search “Louisville Craft Beer Week”
Questions? E-mail, or ask at the Facebook site. We will respond as soon as possible. Of course, establishments hosting the various events can provide information, too.
The LCBW Beer Brain Trust thanks you!
Tribune supports annexation, yawns at renegade realtor conspiracy theories.
TRIBUNE EDITORIAL: Annexation plan makes senseIn the same piece, the board supports the county's purchase of Pine View Elementary as future home of the Youth Shelter, and cannot resist a backhanded swipe at the city:
It seems like a win-win move for the city. The area, which many consider part of New Albany now, will generate around $700,000 a year in property tax revenue for the city. How can you say no to $700,000 a year, especially when you currently have a $1.8 million shortfall in public safety expenses. Without a LOIT tax or another financial stream, the City Council can’t afford not to annex the property.
Government does not always have to be confrontational and stagnant. It can work. Unfortunately, for those of us who live in the city, that is not always the case. Maybe the city council and city administration can learn something from their county brothers. When government works together, the citizens are rewarded.Huzzah! Has Dan Coffey and Steve Price yet offered to slash their own paychecks?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Irish Exit takes over the Studio's space on Main.
More where that came from: The Irish Exit replacing Studio's; Parthenon to be events center, by Daniel Suddeath (Tribune)My capsule assessment: There's room in any town for a well-poured pint of Guinness, so the best of luck to The Irish Exit's team.
The title The Irish Exit is derived from a saying that refers to someone leaving a social setting, such as a bar, without letting their friends know they are going.
(Matt) McMahan said Studio’s owner Trish Meyer has helped his business team avoid a possible delay in starting the bar.
“We’re going to operate on [Studio’s liquor] license while we transfer it so that allows us to open up basically immediately,” he said.
Bank Street Folk Fest on Sunday night at The Dandy Lion.
NABC, Music, Food, Art!
Hey! Can't wait to see all of you out at The Bank Street Folk Fest!
Music (sparks will fly as one band plays an "I" beam)
Grilled hamburger and hotdogs
And all that is wonderful from The Dandy Lion.
xo- Katy, Ali, & Ani
Friday, September 17, 2010
Josh Kelly memorial and fundraiser is on Saturday, September 25.
I've known his father, Lee Kelly, since before Josh was born, and the longtime New Albany High School teacher, and director of the WNAS radio and television programs there, was a huge influence on me during formative times. I'll admit to being somewhat less than a stellar student back when Lee drove up the hill to teach one radio section at Floyd Central. Both then, and during the years afterward, Lee taught me a great deal about life. I'm grateful for that, and now, these many years later, I grieve for the family's loss.
Not unexpectedly, Josh had many friends, and quite a few of them are patrons of one or the other NABC location. They're planning a softball tournament this coming Saturday, September 25, as a memorial and fundraiser for Josh Kelly.
Also, Eric Norrington has set up this portal for donations: The Kelly Family Fund.
Remember, consider taking part, and please donate. NABC will be offering a portion of the proceeds at Saturday's Strassenfest to the cause.
It's time for another city council caption contest!

Here's a glorious moment in the history of New Albany's legislative dysfunction, as captured by an innocent bystander at last night's council meeting. Fill in the caption balloon, and if you're the winner, you'll get a free Progressive Pint, so long as I remember to choose a winner -- not like last time ...
Caption contest: What Otis said.
As for the meeting, read the Tribune's coverage here.
Matt Nash bids for the big time with My Friday Column blog.
NASH: My Friday column is heading to cyberspace
... I believe that New Albany is a great town with a lot of potential. It takes all kinds of opinions to understand many points of view. I think this interactive experiment can help me understand what the community is thinking and make me a better writer. I hope you continue to enjoy my weekly column and I look forward to hearing from you at
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Today's Tribune column: "All this and Clyde Tolson, too."
BAYLOR: All this and Clyde Tolson, too
Q. Is it hypocritical of me to criticize 1si’s council handout request, given that in 2009, my New Albanian Brewing Company received a $50,000 loan from the Horseshoe Foundation’s Small Business Revolving Loan Fund?
A. No, because it isn’t 1si’s money. Here’s the first paragraph of the press release. Italics are mine.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Mixed signals and unmarked bills.
He sees a benefit for the Indiana side of the river in the form of the new arena, which might bring Louisvillians this way to park.
He also supports tolls on existing bridges to begin the ORBP boondoggle, and these tolls will have the reverse effect.
Obviously, I have a lot to learn about construction kickbacks.
Read the Tribune's discussion of the new arena's effect on Jeffersonville and Clarksville here. I'm watching the resurgent Reds tomorrow, and may not be back here until Friday.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hooray! FOS comes out against bridge tolls!
"Freedom Of Speech supports "NO" toll fees."That's heartening. There were some other odd remarks about heroic leadership from the pseudonymous author who doesn't tolerate reader comments, but why quibble over details during an historic moment? Perhaps we'll be marching together soon, icons of St. Hillary jangling around our necks, and Progressive Pints in our hands.
"The cost savings more than outweighs the benefits of requiring officers to return the cars to the police department after shifts end."
Study recommends allowing Cape Coral officers be allowed to take police vehicles home, in the News-Press of Ft. Myers, Florida.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Douglas Wissing and "Indiana, One Pint at a Time" at NABC Pizzeria & Public House this Saturday, September 18 at 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
See the Iron Chefs over at PC.
Iron Chef at the Farmers Market, Part 1.
Iron Chef at the Farmers Market, Part 2.
New Albany's annual Historic Home Tour once again a winner.
This quaint reminder (above) of pride gone by the wayside is at the Wells-Holmes House on East Elm, as renovated by Jeff Sumler.
Brandon Thompson explains the history of the Stanton R. Welch Building, which was built near the end of the Civil War.
Within the David Hedden House on Dewey Heights, a stone's throw from anti-preservationist Steve Price's Rentals-R-Us HQ, is this homage to a Bavarian "snug."
Bar none, our favorite house was Jim and Tabitha Sprigler's on 9th (Charles M. Zink House). Knowing what they've gone through, and the deft balance between old architectural features and more contemporary design themes, the effect is stunning. Congratulations to them!Read more at the Tribune: Fifth annual Historic Home Tour draws crowds despite threat of rain; Tour guides describe renovations, uses for structures, by Leah Tate.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
My feet and liver hurt already.
There's a full slate of Farmers Market activities, including an Iron Chef competition featuring downtown chefs and farm produce and meats. I''ll be there with a few progressive beer samples to bolster Chef Josh's effort.
The historic home tour is this morning and afternoon.
The home tour after party is a bourbon, bbq and brew fundraiser for the Arts Council, and it begins around 6. Richard will be there with Rosa.
Festina Latina takes place at the Amphitheater this afternoon and evening.
Rock the Rocks, the annual Falls of the Ohio State Park fundraising gig, is tonight. NABC will be there, too.
There's no time for links, so get out there, do some things, and if you see political candidates roaming around (yep, it's time for that), ask them about their stances on tolling existing bridges to build the ORBP boondoggle. Many of them don't want to talk about it ... so you should.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Nash's voice says: "Your voice needs to be heard."
NASH: Your voice needs to be heard
The Bridges Authority has constantly said those who oppose the “two bridges one project” plan are a small but noisy minority. Even with a recent poll that has public support for the plan that they are proposing at around 15 percent.
That means 85 percent of those polled have a problem with their plan. Where are those people and how do they let their feelings be known? Many of the people that oppose the plan have made their opinions known on the social networking sight, Facebook. More than 1,440 people have joined the group “Say NO to bridge tolls.” This is a good start but it’s time that people do something more than just joining a group.
"Start a FC Chatter and keep your nonsense there - we don't need it here."
The no-tolls contagion is spreading to Clark County Chatter, and already, minutes after I posted about it, someone wants to kick me out of the room.
What is it about folks 'round here not wanting to talk 'bout things?
Is there a delete button I can push?
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Carnegie Center's annual fundraiser, A Taste for Art & History, is Friday night (Sept. 10) and tickets are still available.
You can still purchase tickets for our annual fundraiser A Taste for Art & History, This Friday Sept. 10, 2010 (tomorrow) at 6:30 pm!
Please join us for world class wine & spirits, an array of delectable delights, a sensational silent auction, super company, and a lively live auction featuring a Murder Mystery dinner for 12, a round of gold for 3 at Victoria National Golf Club, and a 3 night stay at Sunset Beach Resort in Jamaica. This fundraising event benefits the Carnegie Center, Inc. and allows us to continue to provide great exhibits and programs to our visitors free of charge. The evening continues at the After Taste in the tent in back of the Carnegie Center after the festivities inside have ended.
And a tolls resolution update from Jeffersonville City Council Member Keith Fetz...
According to Fetz's post, it looks like Ron Grooms and crew will get other opportunities to answer or dodge the tolls question in full view of constituents.
Thanks for setting this page up. I attempted to introduce a resolution at the last Jeffersonville City Council meeting that supported the bridges project but OPPOSED tolls. Not one of my fellow City Council members would "second" my motion so it died and could not be voted on. I plan on introducing it every meeting ...hereafter until I can get them to actually vote on the issue. Please encourage my fellow City Council members by contacting them at if you get the opportunity.
8664: An update
From today's 8664 Update email:
What's happened to 8664?
That's a good question. Basically, we've withdrawn from the bridges discussion for the time being. The good news is the oversized project looks to be taking care of itself. More about that below.
As you know, with the help of some spineless Metro Council members, Mayor Abramson supported handing the decision-making on the bridges issue over to an unelected authority. This group, conflicts and all, has made it clear that they don't care what you think - see public poll info below - and just want to "get 'er done". So, the timing for our less expensive, forward-thinking alternative needs to wait.
In what appears to be an effort to discredit possible alternatives, the Bridges Authority did say at their August 19th meeting that they planned to discuss the scaled-down, toll-free St. Louis bridges project and 8664 at a future meeting. But in their last meeting they took the opportunity to arbitrarily rule out downsizing the ORBP and failed to mention 8664 at all. We've sent numerous emails to find out if/when we might be added to their agenda, but they have not responded. After reading this email, it's probably even less likely.
Back to the good news. Louisville doesn't want to build two bridges. Whether you believe the "two bridges, one project" was a political compromise between KY and IN or a way for special interests to stop the East End Bridge, it doesn't matter. While the increasingly pathetic Courier-Journal has neglected to poll on the issue of bridges for more than a decade, cn|2 did a poll last month and the results are overwhelming and positive.
50.3% want only an East End Bridge
17.3% want only a Downtown Bridge
14.5% want both bridges
10.1% want neither
7.9% refused or don't know
View the entire poll.
So what does this all mean?
It means that Louisville's stale political and media structure got us into this mess. Five years ago, Mayor Abramson basically patted us on the head as to say "never you mind, I've got this all taken care of". Well enough of that.
We need to embrace new media outlets and hold our elected leaders accountable. No more back room deals and unwritten agreements with special interests. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent, Louisville's future depends on us to hold politicians accountable.
In conclusion, it's clear that Louisville wants to finally build the East End Bridge and move our regional economy forward. We can and will wrestle the decision making for this project away from the Bridges Authority and do the right thing. Removing I-64 from our waterfront will be a game changer, but its time has not yet come. We'll get there and we will make it happen.
Thanks for your continued support.
JC Stites
PS Need a new 8664 decal? Shoot us an email with your mailing address.
PPS Louisville is great and getting better!
Today's Tribune column: "An ingénue’s guide to festive NA."
BAYLOR: An ingénue’s guide to festive NA
The Ohio River is the very reason for New Albany’s existence. It is a multi-faceted presence, serving as an artery, an impediment, a friend and sometimes, as in the epochal floods of 1937, an adversary.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
One Rand, two reactions.
Libertarian candidate for Senate urges Hoosier voters to think smallMs. Sink-Burris read "Atlas Shrugged" as a senior in high school, and the experience led her down a lifelong pathway to libertarianism.
Credit Ayn Rand. As a senior at Warren Central High School, Rebecca Sink-Burris devoured a copy of Rand's “Atlas Shrugged.” Young eyes were opened. A political foundation was formed.
I read "Atlas Shrugged" as a senior in high school, and the experience led me to ask aloud, "Is this Rand woman certifiably looney, or what?"
C'mon, folks: Erotic attractions to metal bracelets? That's just plain weird.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
A "No Tolls" resolution in Jeffersonville?
That's what I get for being busy. Word came through the pipeline earlier today that a no-tolls resolution would appear tonight at the Jeffersonville city council's meeting.
Click here for tonight's Jeff council agenda. The resolution does not appear, but as the web site notes, "the City Council may amend the posted agenda at the beginning of its meeting." Also, via a largely jumpy and barely adequate Quicktime link, you can click to watch Jeffersonville's council meetings, live.
Imagine that. I'm listening as I type. I'll update this posting when news arrives.
Coalition of the Willing: Beats the hell out of an unelected buy-state authority.
Coalition Of The Willing from coalitionfilm on Vimeo.
'Coalition of the Willing' is a collaborative animated film and web-based event about an online war against global warming in a 'post Copenhagen' world.
‘Coalition of the Willing’ has been Directed and produced by Knife Party, written by Tim Rayner and crafted by a network of 24 artists from around the world using varied and eclectic film making techniques. Collaborators include some of the world’s top moving image talent, such as Decoy, World Leaders and Parasol Island.
The film offers a response to the major problem of our time: how to galvanize and enlist the global publics in the fight against global warming. This optimistic and principled film explores how we could use new Internet technologies to leverage the powers of activists, experts, and ordinary citizens in collaborative ventures to combat climate change. Through analyses of swarm activity and social revolution, 'Coalition of the Willing' makes a compelling case for the new online activism and explains how to hand the fight against global warming to the people.
To find out all about the project and to join our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, or get the iPhone App visit:
NA Event Watch: Arts Council's Bourbon, BBQ & Beer Home Tour After Party on Saturday, September 11.

The “Bourbon, BBQ & Beer Home Tour After Party” celebration from 5:00-9:00 p.m. is at the newly renovated Arts Council Building located at 820 E. Market Street, New Albany, IN. This event will be a night of music, eats and artistic feats. Guests will enjoy small batch bourbon tasting of Brown-Forman’s finest, barbecue by Harley’s Hardwoodz, and beer from the New Albanian Brewing Company. Cash bar also available.
Performing Artists
Kevin Rees: Acoustic Guitarist
David Scopelliti: Acoustic Guitarist
LeMoyne Smith: Pianist, everything from Classical to Boogey
TenRec: Tradition Irish band
Visual Artists
Sally Moss: Master Weaver demonstration from the Little Loom House
Brian Somerville: Clay Sculptor demonstration and exhibit
Steven Cheek: Clay artist demonstrating hand thrown clay from the Mary Anderson Clay Studio
Daniel Graham: Printmaker and Sculptor demonstrating the art of woodcut
Larry Beisler: Stone Sculptor demonstration
Sherman Blankenship: Blacksmith-Iron Touch Studios- Creating ornamental metal tables
Michelle Lori: Theatrical Home Tour from Dragonfly theatre
Jeremy Miller: Cartoonist sponsored by Preston’s Art Center
Joyce Sweet Bryant: Pastel Artist sponsored by Preston’s Art Center
The Arts Council of Southern Indiana is a non-profit organization that relies on the support of local residents to bring the arts to children and adults throughout our Southern Indiana community while supporting and offering opportunities to local artists.
Please join us for this fun filled night of music, entertainment, arts, food, drinks, raffles, and more. Tickets can be purchase online at the Arts Council and Develop New Albany, or call the Arts Council at 812.949.4238.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Will work for something real.
10 Common Sense Principles for a New Economy
It’s time we the people declare our independence from the money-favoring Wall Street economy.
by David Korten
I find hope in the fact that millions of people the world over are seeing through the moral and practical fallacies underlying the Wall Street economy and-—by contributing to the creation of a New Economy--are taking charge of their economic lives.
Here are ten common sense principles to frame the New Economy that we the people must now bring forth:
1. The proper purpose of an economy is to secure just, sustainable, and joyful livelihoods for all. This may come as something of a shock to Wall Street financiers who profit from financial bubbles, securities fraud, low wages, unemployment, foreign sweatshops, tax evasion, public subsidies, and monopoly pricing.
2. GDP is a measure of the economic cost of producing a given level of human well-being and happiness. In the economy, as in any well-run business, the goal should be to minimize cost, not maximize it.
3. A rational reallocation of real resources can reduce the human burden on the Earth’s biosphere and simultaneously improve the health and happiness of all. The Wall Street economy wastes enormous resources on things that actually reduce the quality of our lives— war, automobile dependence, suburban sprawl, energy-inefficient buildings, financial speculation, advertising, incarceration for minor, victimless crimes. The most important step toward bringing ourselves into balance with the biosphere is to eliminate the things that are bad for our health and happiness.
4. Markets allocate efficiently only within a framework of appropriate rules to maintain competition, cost internalization, balanced trade, domestic investment, and equality. These are essential conditions for efficient market function. Without rules, a market economy quickly morphs into a system of corporate monopolies engaged in suppressing wages, exporting jobs, collecting public subsidies, poisoning air, land, and water, expropriating resources, corrupting democracy, and a host of other activities that represent an egregiously inefficient and unjust distribution of resources.
5. A proper money system roots the power to create and allocate money in people and communities in order to facilitate the creation of livelihoods and ecologically balanced community wealth. Money properly serves life, not the reverse. Wall Street uses money to consolidate its power to expropriate the real wealth of the rest of the society. Main Street uses money to connect underutilized resources with unmet needs. Public policy properly favors Main Street.
6. Money, which is easily created with a simple accounting entry, should never be the deciding constraint in making public resource allocation decisions. This is particularly obvious in the case of economic recessions or depressions, which occur when money fails to flow to where it is needed to put people to work producing essential goods and services. If money is the only lack, then make the accounting entry and get on with it.
7. Speculation, the inflation of financial bubbles, risk externalization, the extraction of usury, and the use of creative accounting to create money from nothing, unrelated to the creation of anything of real value, serve no valid social purpose. The Wall Street corporations that engage in these activities are not in the business of contributing to the creation of real community wealth. They are in the business of expropriating it, a polite term for theft. They should be regulated or taxed out of existence.
8. Greed is not a virtue; sharing is not a sin. If your primary business purpose is not to serve the community, you have no business being in business.
9. The only legitimate reason for government to issue a corporate charter extending special privileges favoring a particular enterprise is to serve a clearly defined public purpose. That purpose should be clearly stated in the corporate charter and be subject to periodic review.
10. Public policy properly favors local investors and businesses dedicated to creating community wealth over investors and businesses that come only to extract it. The former are most likely to be investors and businesses with strong roots in the communities in which they do business. We properly favor them.
David Korten is co-founder and board chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, president of the People-Centered Development Forum, and a founding board member of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). His books include Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, and the international best seller When Corporations Rule the World.