Sunday, July 02, 2017

Silence is complicity, and we have a right to know what our elected officials think about Jeff Gahan's Public Housing Putsch 2017.

Mayor Jeff Gahan once cynically asserted, "Nobody reads the paper."

Yes, really. He did.

As such, it's unclear why he spends so much of the city's money advertising in the newspaper, but this can be explained by the frequent appearance of Gahan's face, and what's the problem with taxpayers footing the bill for quasi-campaign ads even if ... well, nobody reads the paper?

Apart from self-interest (does he have any other sort?), Gahan's advertising is insurance against the newspaper paying too close attention. In the newspaper's story last week about HWC Engineering, only one sentence was devoted to City Hall's ownership of its own street grid project, and this was to inform readers that City Hall wouldn't comment about its ownership of the street grid project.

That's so very helpful, isn't it?

Gahan's sycophant-engineered appointment of David Duggins to head the New Albany Housing Authority is yet another nadir in a career of underachievement.

The mayor's Public Housing Putsch 2017 is a naked power grab at the expense of the city' most vulnerable residents, and as such, we're brought to a necessary juncture. It's time for our local elected officials to show accountability.

Yesterday I got the ball rolling with this:

Street grids, public housing and Councilman Phipps' morally indefensible selective engagement.

In fairness to Phipps, he isn't the only elected official refraining from taking a public position on the Putsch -- whether for, against, or seeking an as-yet-undefined third way.

Sophistry isn't an answer, is it?

We must conclude that in the absence of a publicly stated position, silence is complicity. I suggest we proceed toward 2019 accordingly.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but to date, only Dan Coffey has issued a resounding public endorsement of Gahan's takeover. I believe he's mistaken, and still battling the intemperate demons inhabiting his own head, but we must credit him for venturing a position on a topic that impacts people living in Coffey's district.

It's Coffey's job, after all, in spite of what the mayoral captive Phipps seems to think.

Readers, they need to know we're watching. It's time for elected officeholders to come out from hiding and take a stand, one way or another, because what they're doing at present is loathsome. My hunch is that most, maybe all of them agree with Gahan and are perfectly happy to remain in the shadows lest Gahan fail.

He's doing the dirty work to which they concur, and as such, shouldn't voters know this?

By extension, if any of them disagree, what is it telling us about their moral character to remain passive in the face of provocation?

Either way, don't we need to know?

I encourage readers to ask his or her council representative for a position on Gahan's public housing putsch. Let us know their answers (if any), and we'll compile the results.

If you like what you're hearing from your council person, by all means vote accordingly next election.

If you don't like it, reject him. New Albany's political culture always has been about keeping things hidden. This is repugnant, and it needs to change.

I asked my council representative, and he ran away. Pay heed, 3rd district voters. If you appreciate CM Phipps' forever selective engagement, he remains your man. If not, cast your next ballot accordingly.

Aren't all of New Albany's council constituents entitled to know? I think so. What about you?

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