Friday, March 14, 2014

Nash: Caution -- New City Employee at Work -- bbuzzzzzzzzzz ...

Matt Nash seems to have forgotten the city's only consistently enforced ordinance, this being the one prohibiting impenetrable satire, so parachute behind the paywall and read it for yourselves ... before the whip comes down, the water torture commences or John "Who Gives a Shit About YOUR Street" Rosenbarger endeavors to explain.

In order to make New Albany a better place to live the city’s administration has made a couple of new hires over the last couple of weeks. Mayor Jeff Gahan, in an effort to fulfill his campaign promise to make New Albany “Financially Stronger and Physically Cleaner,” has hired Jeff Speck to advise and to “study” New Albany’s downtown streets ...

 ... Also hired last week was a civil engineer to fill the gap that has been in place since the last time the city had an engineer on staff ... 

... While those positions have been reported in the News and Tribune there was also one other addition to the staff of our city’s administration that hasn’t gotten the same press as the other two ... 

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