Wednesday, April 03, 2013

"One in four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist."

Pshaw; that's nothing.

In New Albany, about three in four office holders believe that the city's street grid is limited to its current configuration by the U.S. Bill of Rights, and that speeding on streets designed for speeding is a law enforcement issue, not a design issue.

But didn't we just have this chat on Twitter?

Has there ever been a nation, rich or poor, prouder to be dumb than this one? I don't think so. Fortunately, I maintain a sizable stock of medicinal antidote, most of it in handy 13.2 gallon drums called "kegs," and while it can't improve THEIR decision making, at least it keeps me nicely sedated amid the lunacy.

Sometimes I think to myself, ya know, if I just stopped drinking I could really help change this place -- then I shrug, say "nah," and remember that it's really not worth it.

Actually, no booze is required to see why we're as dumb as we are: In our thoroughly rigged "free" market, consumerism is king, and consumers need to be kept stupid and indebted so they don't catch on and see the dudes behind the curtains with the levers in their hands.

Rant over. Speaking of circuses, what time do the basketball games start this weekend?

One in four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist, survey says, by Paul Harris (Guardian)

About one in four Americans suspect that President Barack Obama might be the antichrist, more than a third believe that global warming is a hoax and more than half suspect that a secretive global elite is trying to set up a New World Order, according to a poll released on Tuesday.

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