Saturday, April 27, 2013

Aesthetics -- or Molotov cocktails?

By using the very word "aesthetics", Rob Waiz ensures a glazed-over, exurb-induced stupor on the part of bridges project inseminators like Kerry Stemler.

We might also plausibly inquire as to how many current Jeffersonville city officials, now grievously appalled to learn that the bridges project will be shortchanging them just as precisely as planned all along, gave downtown business men like Mike Kapfhammer and Wes Johnson the time of day when they tried to point out such realities?

Jeffersonville officials say Indiana being slighted by bridges aesthetics; $10 million budgeted for Kentucky portion; nothing in Indiana, by Matt Koesters

... The redevelopment commission agreed to send a resolution to state officials, including the governor, expressing their disappointment in the plans proposed. Waiz added that he will be urging other area agencies to pass and submit similar resolutions.

“It’s disappointing to me that Jeffersonville is in this defensive situation to try and protect some aesthetics and some economic development opportunity, when the state of Indiana should have done this from the get-go,” said Redevelopment Commissioner James Lake. “It’s a real shame that the city is not only doing the battling, but the state of Indiana is not only not leading it, they’re not assisting.”

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