Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Denhart's opposition to diversity and advocacy of intolerance.

Today, twice failed council candidate Vicki Denhart turns to overt racism at her veiled "Freedom to Screech" blogsite, again prompting the question: Is there any aspect of this woman's intolerant political beliefs that come anywhere close to those embraced by genuine Democrats?


The invasion of America from south of the border is not immigration. It is a massive, intra-continental population shift of nation destroying magnitude. If it is not stopped cold and reversed, thew America that we know today will cease to exist and we will be left with a divided, semi-third world mish-mash of a country.

1 comment:

Iamhoosier said...

There are some people that I just don't have time for. She's definitely on the list.

My blog reading life has gotten somewhat boring since I stopped reading FOS, VOP, and Kitchen a few months ago. However, my spirits have improved. A more than fair trade.

(By the way, it was not because of Shirley's writing that I stopped reading VOP--it was the cowardly anonymous posters)