Here's a glorious moment in the history of New Albany's legislative dysfunction, as captured by an innocent bystander at last night's council meeting. Fill in the caption balloon, and if you're the winner, you'll get a free Progressive Pint, so long as I remember to choose a winner -- not like last time ...
Caption contest: What Otis said.
As for the meeting, read the Tribune's coverage here.
"times are tough on everyone and combs cost money"
As a performin' artist (I play down there), I'll have to abstain.
"Im going for the Pharaoh Fawcett look!"
"People tell me I look like Bruce Jenner."
"The deep connection Einstein discovered between energy and mass is expressed in the equation E=mc². Here E represents energy, m represents mass, and c² is a very large number, the square of the speed of light ... aw, &^%$ it. I'll have a Budweiser."
(I'm ineligible to win)
Submitted from S, who forgot his password:
"Say your a winner/Baby just a sinner now ... Stroke!"
A woman of my acquaintance said that if the thought/speech bubble was designed to show what was going on in Mr. Price's head at that moment...well, you already have it posted in the picture.
" It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."
"The fox is in the hen house and grandma's cookie jar is out of Xanax! Love it or leave it!"
You do love me! You really, really love me!
"Speak up Vickie. What am I supposed to say next?"
Mark takes the lead
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