Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Drinking Progressively is on "pause" as I use the time for campaign planning -- also progressively.

Lest I haven't yet made it clear, please know that my Drinking Progressively experiment is on hiatus.

I enjoyed doing it, and learned quite a lot. However, ongoing remodeling and the forthcoming reboot of Bank Street Brewhouse have made scheduling iffy. At the same time, I feel the time can be better used to plan for my independent mayoral campaign.

As an aside, the work at BSB seems to be coming along (progressing?) nicely. There are events scheduled for Thursday and Friday this week, so I'll guess that reopening for beers and weenies (still gotta have 'em) may occur prior to the Earth Friends occupancy being ready for launch.

Thanks for your support and patronage. Lots of things are changing, and change is good.

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