Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sometimes we settle for the "mental" variety, as when Erika snarls and the Copperhead shakes.

I monitor Eric Schansberg's Schansblog very regularly, and regularly find it thought provoking even when I disagree (which is fairly often). Seldom have I been startled by a headline, but here's one to catch the reader's attention:

pornography, masturbation, and the brain

You'll just have to go read the post. Speaking of masturbation, here’s the latest Freedom to Screech posting:


I've wondered that almost every time I've read FOS for the past three or four years. Lots of jerking, no brains to speak of. Finally, I was eager to see what our favorite ward heeler has to say about current city affairs, but Dan Coffey hasn't had time to update his blog since Easter.

I empathize. Blogging's hard, even when you can write.

Is it time for a countdown clock to La Rosita's downtown?

1 comment:

Joshua Poe said...

Thats interesting, I read a similar article recently.

Wired for Underachievement: How Christianity Hijacks Human Potential