Sunday, November 08, 2009

"Liberty Green Knows How To Pave A Street," and a potpourri of other links.

All week long, I kept pasting to this list of links. Why stop now?

Someone interjected this progressive paving link into another blog's fevered discussion of judging the length and breadth of human progress on planet Earth by the results of a New Albany city audit. You're forgiven for missing it -- the story and the discussion: Liberty Green Knows How To Pave A Street (Broken Sidewalk blog).

Baseball's finished and the damned Yankees won. Now it's the off-season, and time for board gaming, as in Strat-O-Matic Puts Negro Leagues in Play -

I wrote about World War I in the Tribune on Thursday, and an expatriated New Albanian correspondent sent me this link to YouTube: Green Fields of France, by the Corries. Many thanks, D. It's a touching song. Meanwhile, the Guardian's assessment of a noted literary figure of the era is also appreciated: Siegfried Sassoon: The reluctant hero Books The Guardian.

As the conclusion of volume two of Richard Evans's majestic three-volume history of the Third Reich nears for me, an obituary almost passed unnoticed. Richard Sonnenfeldt, chief interpreter at Nuremberg, died on October 9th, aged 86, (from The Economist).

Closer to home, councilman John Gonder comments on last night's health care vote: 220 and 51 is OK By Me.

On the topic of intrusive government, or not, there's Booze Politics News and Thoughts, from Lew Bryson's blog. Noteworthy is the notion of "too broke to fix" in the context of (any) state's alcohol regulations.

Speaking of which, the Courier-Journal tells us that a New Albany city councilwoman (was) charged with driving while intoxicated. My gut instinct is that there is little relevance in this, although if I don't make a passing nod at something being reported in the C-J and already the subject of Twitter banter, there'll be accusations of playing favorites. Folks, if you're going to play the drinking game, you need to organize your commute accordingly. 'Nuff said.

I'm hitting the road for Sunday bicycling.


lawguy said...

Curious where council woman at issue stood on biking lanes? Wasnt she picked up on Spring? She should have taken the bike home (but perhaps was afraid of being hit due to not having enough bike lane width or enough blocks with such lanes....

And you should report and comment on it. If it were Price or Coffey, you'd have skipped your ride today to comment all afternoon.

JoshuaDenzil said...

I am pretty sure that there aren't any bike lanes on Spring Avenue.

Just sayin'.

And I will abstain from any further comment until more details are available. I mean really, is a DUI that big of a scandal in this town? Some blow in the glove box or a dead/live hooker in the trunk? Now that would be scandalous.

Maybe she was just trying to 'keep New Albany weird'.

The New Albanian said...

I'm not sure the dead hooker would be THAT big of a deal, unless he/she had audit results in his/her pocket.

lawguy said...

Ah, I must have confused Spring Avenue with Spring Street.

Finding a hooker in the trunk would only empower ROCK to encourage our city to spend more funds against the adult bookstore on Main Street.

Of course, it might actually give credence to the religious folks who rallied around defeating the gambling vote years ago based on the argument that hookers, drugs and corruption would follow if the casino were placed in town.

That being said, I dont see much crime and corruption in Harrison County - only economic development and increased county reserves, while Floyd County gets the traffic.
