Saturday, October 31, 2009

Shane Gibson will seek the Democratic nomination for Indiana House District 72.

After weeks of Internet chatter, the Tribune reports that we have a race in the 72nd:

New Albany city attorney seeking state seat in 2010; Shane Gibson looking to defeat Ed Clere in District 72 tilt, by Daniel Suddeath.

Floyd County native Shane Gibson announced his candidacy for the District 72 State Representative seat Thursday. Gibson, who is the city attorney for New Albany and a Democrat, is seeking the office held by Republican Ed Clere.

The District 72 seat will be up for election in November 2010.
Assuming Gibson wins the primary in May, we'll undoubtedly be offered novel general election strategy by the Democrats, who for years emphasized long-time seatholder Boll Cochran as indispensable owing to his experience. Clere wiped that slate clean in 2008, and has been energetically claiming Federal monies (Georgetown sewer plant) and mediating New Albany's budgetary chats with the state. Now, Clere is looking experienced, and Gibson's party must make a positive of his political inexperience.

Given Clere's razor-thin margin last time out, state Democrats likely view this one as winnable, and will fund Gibson accordingly. How actively did the state pparty apparatus encourage a younger, more bankable candidate in this race?

There will be numerous deeper issues of political ideology to be addressed when the campaign comes into full swing, and my guess is they'll not be discussed either by Gibson or Clere, leaving it to NAC. Can't say I mind that at all.

This one's going to be entertaining, don't you think?


bayernfan said...

He should just give up now. The little people at CFA have already said that 'all' democrats will not vote for him. Obviously, he doesn't stand a chance with that kind of force moving against him.


lawguy said...

Should be an interesting race, indeed.

I know and like Shane quite a lot.

Clere, whom I have met once, seems to have done a decent job with the sizeable learning curve for a first term representative, and likewise seems not to be a Limbaugh/Beck republican, which is a good thing too.

I'll look forward to your commentary and break down of the candidates at the appropriate time.