Council President Jeff Gahan apparently sought a (more) bitterly divided community, and now, that's exactly what he has delivered.
Er, thanks for that, Jeff. Now that it's here, what should we do with it?
Why CM Gahan believes that a city divided stands to assist him in "progressively" resolving the immense list of more pressing matters remains a mystery for the ages, but at least the 42 out of 50 NABC employees who already smoke will be protected from themselves, leaving unanswered the question of who will protect us from a council with such an incredibly skewed perception of what might actually be done to further the cause of New Albany … and, furthermore, how Gahan’s prioritization remotely qualifies as leadership.
The bright side? We’re not listening to Dan Coffey pontificate on abortion.
As I predicted long ago, the Greatly Unnecessary Smoking Debate of ’08 has loosened the demons within and turned citizen against citizen.
We’ve seen a local doctor berated by ranking Indiana healthcare bureaucrats and his own hospital’s management because he had the temerity to exercise his freedom of speech and publicly differ with the smoking ordinance.
Like terminal cancer patients flying to Myanmar for cold papaya presses in the absence of hope, we’ve seen local hospitality operators scrambling for a fleeting glimpse of an exemption, an exception, a grandfather clause, or something that might enable them to stave off the indignity of chasing longtime customers into the street – where those customers stand in full view of the shambolic rental properties and the numerous public health issues pervasive within, which the council continues to ignore while pursuing the smoking chimera.
We’ve laughed aloud as local postmen berate the extravagant liberal nanny faction of the council and praise the "Price is Wrong" antebellum wing as truly representative of Democratic principles, then stop in mid-sentence to hastily qualify the assertion -- well, no, I reckon Dan Coffey doesn’t fit very well into that nasty liberal side of things, naturally avoiding the obvious question: Why is Coffey, a perennially nattering nabob of negativism, a paragon of everything opposed to the way of thinking that prefaces a smoking ordinance, now posing angelically as the Blevins Memorial Swing Vote on the side of the fives?
What sort of fix is this, anyway?
We continue to see unpaved streets, unkempt properties, unlimited caviar and champagne for the slumlords, understaffed police and unrequited demands for some semblance of action pertaining to the major building blocks of a civil society, all of them gahanly tossed to the wind in favor of the concrete action best designed to attract Louisville’s television crews.
A bit of eyeliner goes along way on the tube – trust me.
Little wonder that the smoking ordinance’s council proponents, with the sole noble exception of John Gonder, have remained mum throughout. Something so suddenly crucial … and yet precisely one (1) public hearing was provided. Something so essential to the economic growth of New Albany, and yet not a soul has yet been able to answer the question of how the council’s tactical choice of smoking abatement fits into an overall strategy for civic business redemption.
The entertainment value? Second to none.
See the mayor’s looming shadow in the corner if the vote remains 5-4. Watch the elected officials squirm as the requests for exceptions and exemptions come flooding in and the council members are asked to play God by deciding which employee’s health is worth protecting, and for how long, when measured against voting intentions and the inexorable hum of those video cameras whirling, whirling, whirling.
The ultimate question has yet to be asked.
Think back to the lessons of the past in New Albany (ignoring that they’re never, ever learned), and recall that no matter the topic – NASCAR, apple pie recipes, “American Idol,” science fiction novels, quantum physics or the sex life of 17-year cicadas -- residents can rest easy, safe in the knowledge that some one, somewhere, will find a creative way of linking the topic at hand to the sewer utility.
Forever and always, we return like pre-programmed lemmings to the waste products of the citizenry, coursing lazily through a system that numerous generations of local politicians seeking reelection above all else intentionally neglected, refusing to expend dollars and political capital, and inevitably transferring the day of reckoning to future generations.
How does workplace smoking impact the sewer utility? You just know that somewhere, somehow, there’s a connection. Me? I believe the next step in the gahanic master plan has something to do with defecation.
Wait – never mind.
He already been there and done that ... right atop the redistricting ordinance.
Here’s Dick Kaukas’s C-J coverage:
New Albany City Council to vote on smoking ban; Backers, foes press New Albany council, by Dick Kaukas (Courier-Journal)
Photo credit: Chris D
If you are going to speak, I think I may leave mine at home!
Teh council has chosen to ignore the dozens of business owners, and caved in to the professional full time paid lobbyists.
Completely unfair, and unbalanced speaking times, allowing the pro ban people to speak at length, ad nauseum in most cases, yet, those speaking out against it, were cut off as in little as 45 seconds.
I look forward to unseating my districts councilman next election.
And I was looking forward to hearing Roger speak
What happened? Did they pass the ordinance?
Rogers ejection from the hearing was PERSONAL, The supreme leader of the council lit into him the very first time he had the chance.
Yes Anne, they did
Whoa! Roger got ejected?
And did they make exemptions and who for?
basically exemptions that will be impossible to allow any exemptions what so ever.
Private clubs will be allowed to have smoking as long as it is only staffed with volunteers, and absolutely NO non members are present, no guests no spouses of members etc.
But I will shut up now and let Mr. Baylor do his thing...
(THANK YOU ROGER for pointing out the flagrant favoritism displayed by the council towards the supporters of the ban)
Geez! Sounds like a hot time in the old town tonight.
Please tell me someone captured it on video.
That did seem strange, there were many interruptions, as one would expect with such a hot topic.
I did notice the ban supporters who scoffed, laughed out loud, etc were not directed to come to order, yet the slightest noise from those against it was immediately greeted with a command to come to order!
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