Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pedaling: It's okay, but only in the past tense, bicentennially speaking.

Another day, another instance of obliviousness on the part of the bicentennial commission.

Do I really need to spell this out? Again? How many times has it been?

Okay, I will ... just for the record, ma'am.

The bicentennial commission thinks it's peachy keen to gawk at vintage bicycles from the past. Meanwhile, its membership is barely cognizant of biking in the present, much less bearing any record of comprehending or promoting two-wheeling in the future.

Most everything about New Albany's bicentennial celebration must be viewed as wasted opportunities. CeeSaw and Shelle ordained that all of it must take place in a safely sanitized, distant, scrubbed-clean past. Nothing must refer to a future tense; in more diverse hands, we might have had a year-long forum on the future. Instead, we've had stale white bread from the Same.Old.Suspects.

Meanwhile, the newspaper happily reports on bicycles of the past, as I search in vain for coverage of last week's workshop on bike commuting -- and mentions the word "future" in the header, in spite of its perpetual absence, and with no discernible sense of irony.

Dentistry is necessary, because in New Albany, thinking people spend too much time grinding their teeth. Go here to learn about the bicycle commuting workshop.

Pedaling the past into the future, by Darian Eswine (New and Tribune)

NEW ALBANY — Traveling through downtown New Albany on Sunday afternoon, a strange sight was seen as a giant wheel came rolling across the street, pedaled by a man dressed in period costume. He was followed by a parade of similarly dressed people on old bicycles.

The Vintage Bike Parade and Exhibit is one of the many events held this year to celebrate New Albany's 200th birthday, and it was only fitting the event began in the new Bicentennial Park at the corner of Spring and Pearl streets.

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