Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Guardian on the recall: "If progressives are looking for political support they should look down to the grassroots, not up to the Democratic party."

Insightful words from another country, not an uncommon experience in America.

Wisconsin Democrats get dealt a bitter blow in courageous battle

Organized labour took a risk in mounting a challenge to Scott Walker and lost. But they shouldn't look back with regret

 ... In the words of Alexis Tsipiras, the leader of the Greek party Syrzia, which is leading the battle against austerity in that country: "Defeat is the battle that isn't waged, and when someone fights there is the big chance of winning; and we are fighting this to win. Lost battles are battles that are not fought." And while that does not transform defeat into victory it does provide for useful lessons that could not have been learned in the absence of the struggle itself.

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