Especially enjoyable was the success of the East Spring Street Neighborhood Association's parade float. As the assocation's president, Greg Roberts, writes:
I would like to congratulation the float committee for all their hard work and winning the Henry Ramsier Award, 2nd place, in the Harvest Homecoming Parade. Also, a big thank you to Mark Sanders for coming up with the idea and bringing the committee together. Again, my hat off to the ESNA float committee on a job well done! Please see the attached picture. What a wild and crazy group ...

And now, it's time to go and clean the garage!
Were any city councilmen spotted participating in the parade?
I recall seeing Mayor Garner, at least one county councilman and a county commissioner, but my duties as host and brew monitor caused me to miss some of the action.
Mark Seabrook was on the Republican float.
Thanks -- I was inside cutting onions when the GOP float went past.
Poor Mark...I've never seen anybody so miserable...the heat and length of the parade seemed to sap his strength with every turn of the tires on the float.
Much joy aboard the Democratic Party float, riding comfortably in friendly territory. Tom Cannon seemed especially exuberant to see all the "Re-elect Cannon" T-shirts. 40 minutes later, the GOP float was far less cheerful, with the exceptions of Dana Fendley and an energetic Steve Bush, although I do think I got a wave from Deputy Frank Loop, an announced candidate for sheriff in 2007.
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