Thursday, June 28, 2012

On the Board of Public Works tablings.

Let's be honest about this.

A couple of weeks ago, the Board of Works approved NABC's request to use the Amphitheater for our July 22nd shindig. It's hardly controversial to acknowledge that a different standard is being used to judge Matt "Irish Exit" McMahan's interest in using the facility, primarily because Matt himself is controversial.

Then again, so am I, and I've yet to be asked whether NABC has insurance for our forthcoming event (note: we do). In all such matters, a policy approximating constructive engagement seems sensible to me.

A big part of the city's problems with Amphitheater management during past administrations stemmed from the tendency of a small controlling elite to judge the facility's use by exceedingly narrow standards of appropriateness. By all means, there should be a usage policy, one that includes a fee structure (as previously suggested), but it should be a flexible formula that enables the greatest amount of diversity when it comes to the use of the Amphitheater by entrepreneurs, while ensuring the basic are covered.

Just because wrestling isn't my preference doesn't mean there isn't an audience for it.

Wrestling event proposed for New Albany amphitheater; Live@5 to remain on Bank Street this week, by Daniel Suddeath (N and T)

NEW ALBANY — Two requests for use of the Riverfront Amphitheater in July were tabled by the New Albany Board of Public Works and Safety on Tuesday.

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