... There is every reason to believe we will be victorious in the November 8th election, marking the first time in memory that a mayor has been elected without being nominated by one of the established parties. And that’s appropriate. In my experience, the people of New Albany are fed up with the past performance of both parties and are more interested in selecting the right person to lead this city responsibly and honestly. ... Our informal polling tells us we need to get started right now on planning the transition. There will be a lot of activity between election night and the first of January, when we expect to take up the mantle of service as your mayor.
"We" take up the mantle? I thought Jack was just one man. You know, one who didn't do backroom deals. Everything out in the open. A new and different way of doing things. I want to know who "we" is. Sounds like he has already picked his "team" so let the light of openness shine. Tell us who they are before the election.
Actually, sounds like more of the same old dog and pony show to me. Saying that you are different, when you obviously are not, is just another campaign promise that is a lie.
messer is delusional, he wont win. I predict 2nd place, but like they say 2nd place is first loser.
Iam needs to read the posting. I don't fault Roger's extract, but before calling someone a liar, it might be important to read what's been said, in context.
I know that can be a lot of work, so here's a clip from word one.
Georgann, I, and the whole family are extremely excited about this election. As I meet more and more of the voters, I’m more confident than ever that this campaign was meant to be.
From everything I’m hearing and seeing, it appears that New Albany is more than ready to put its faith in a non-partisan mayor, making our decision to run as an independent feel right. Many declared Democrats and Republicans have pledged their votes to my campaign, and it has been most encouraging to find out just how many people don’t define themselves by which party they usually vote for.
In case anyone wanted to know, I strongly and proudly support Jack Messer for mayor. There are reasons I won't support the others. If anyone wants to discuss why, I'm pretty easy to get a hold of.
In fairness, there's been a lot more said than just what appears in the "transition" blog post. There are years of context as well.
Randy, you are correct. I didn't realize that I could "click" and get the full posting. My concern was answered in the full post. I was in error. In other words--wrong.
When asked why he voted a certain way on a petitioner's request, Jack's response was, "I gave them my word." When asked about some of the objections some other members of the council & public had made, the response was, "Didn't matter. I had given them(the petitioner)my word."
I'm not wrong about that one. Jack told me that "face to face". Sounds just like old style politics to me. I think that I will stick to my "dog & pony show" comment on the overall theme of his campaign. He did pick a good ringmaster for his show.
Iam. Acknowledged. I'm truly and still mystified at how you and others can support someone who has repeatedly fought against positions you support while you fight against a candidate who has consistently been on "your side," but I can speculate.
I am convinced that your candidate is committed to a continuation of the England style of city government. I trust that "classism" isn't the only reason you and the readers of this blog are willing to ignore 8 years of experience in which Gahan treated you with contempt and actually called you names. Jack never treated you with contempt.
When Jack takes office, you will still be treated with respect. ITYS is not my favorite retort, but if Jack falls short, that will be an arrow in my quiver.
Setting aside the numerous occasions where your candidate actively fought against your views (and, in my view, the interests of NewAlbanians), the ultimate question is which candidate is most likely to explode the England Machine. Given that Doug England sponsored a fundraiser for Jeff at which a cabal of Indianapolis and local contractors dumped $$ on Gahan, what makes you think New Albany wins with more of the same kind of politics as we've suffered from for years?
I do appreciate your measured and sober response. I really don't understand some of what you consider to be real, rational reasons for opposing Jack. Maybe I'm just ignorant.
Mark, et al
My most compelling reason for opposing your candidate, besides my implicit faith in Jack Messer, is Doug England's support of your candidate,
Jack revealed his intent to topple the England regime 2 years ago. By this summer, when Jack declared, it was already obvious that Gahan was Doug's chosen successor. I know you don't agree with me in that assessment, and that is at the root of our disagreement.
I back Jack because I believe he will change the entire tone of city government from what England's team has put in place. Clearly you don't. That's why we have elections.
I hope you will feel comfortable in joining me and Jack's other supporters at The Calumet Club on Nov. 8.
"...who has repeatedly fought against positions you support while you fight against a candidate who has consistently been on 'your side,'"
That, in itself, isn't accurate.
Maybe a source of said mystification?
W/ the exception of River View, which does not differentiate the 2 leading candidates in any way (both council members voted in favor of that), it IS accurate.
Pls elaborate. On the smoking ordinance, which you and Roger opposed, Gahan was intransigent while Jack was nuanced. JM was willing to pass it with some exemptions, but the sponsors wouldn't' compromise.
I, otoh, think Jack was wrong. But I'd be happy to discuss my "inaccuracies."
Who said the Constitution was irrelevant? Who said unequal districts were irrelevant?
And which of the leading candidates fought for equal districts?
Which editors of this blog signed on to a Federal District lawsuit to compel equal disticts and which council members said the law didn't matter?
That alone is dispositive.
I welcome debate.
JM was willing to pass it with some exemptions, but the sponsors wouldn't compromise.
I opposed exemptions and still do. Either do it 100% or not at all. My position was consistent, still is. Jack's "nuance" equates directly to my objection.
The 911 service merger is a much more recent example. Messer and Gahan were on opposite sides of the debate and I agreed with Gahan, Gonder, et al. Despite your spin on it at the time, I would've voted the same way.
Gahan and I openly disagreed about redistricting. Roger has referenced that disagreement as well in acknowledging concerns.
Does that bother me? Sure it does, but at this point I have to choose between the people on the ballot, pros and cons and all that.
I've nothing against Jack. I just haven't seen anything that makes me think he'd do a better job overall.
JM was willing to pass it with some exemptions
Didn't Jack vote against the smoking ordinance multiple times calling it a violation of rights? Are you saying he wanted even more exemptions than those included? How would that have restored "rights"?
Glad to know, Jeff, that you have nothing against Jack. We disagree vis Gahan. So be it. That Kochert and Coffey and Schmidt and Denhart and Price agree with you gives me the heebie jeebies is just something I'll have to reconcile. Not to mention that Messrs. England and Malysz are desperate to see a straight Demo pull/mark for Gahan.
For me and mine, a vote for Messer is a vote against machine politics. I know you are sworn to Gahan and have dismissed my views, FWR, but I suspect others will have greater respect for Ann's opinion.
Ann backs Jack. TAI. This house is unanimous in its support for Jack Messer, the independent candidate for mayor of New Albany.
Jack was willing to provide the 6th vote to provide a veto-proof ordinance. I think that was too weak, but I still think Jack is the better choice. Gahan sponsored the anti-smoking ordinance, which the editors of this blog opposed.
Gahan proposed it and Messer wanted to make it worse. There's my choice.
But didn't Caesar introduce the smoking ordinance?
And are you going to answer my question about Jack's reasoning? How does making a law less fair restore rights?
I'm just wondering because Jack himself said a smoking ban was a violation of people's rights but that there were four council members who just wouldn't let go of it.
You say he wanted to vote for it to overturn a veto that, according to him, was keeping people's rights from being violated.
That's confusing.
Like for instance a couple weeks ago when you said "Actually quite relieved my candidate (Jack Messer) didn't receive 1si endorsement. He insisted they justify $, as we all advocated."
But Council Member Messer voted to fund 1Si and Council Member Gahan didn't.
The two don't match up very well, unless Jack voted to give them money he didn't think was justified, which wouldn't seem to make much sense.
I suspect others will have greater respect for Ann's opinion.
I do, and so it's done, then. In perfect seriousness, I stand ready to pledge my support to Ann for mayor in 2015.
As for the current race, I concur with Bluegill, in that I've no choice other than weighing the options as they are, not as I might wish them to be in an ideal world routinely denied me.
I read in today's One Southern Indiana Newspaper that Jack is opposed to an extension of the sole and only reason for the downtown "tool" of revitalization -- the downtown development district's $1,000 three-way permit.
Let's talk about that, but in a different thread (I'm posting it shortly).
I know that you read the blogs. You had to have read where I actually stood up for Jack. Well, the "old" Jack, anyway. I don't hate Jack or even dislike him. Actually, I like Jack but I sincerely don't believe that he represents any different way of doing business. With different people, maybe, but not a significant difference in approach, as my example explained. The one that you ignored.
Your red herring about Jeff Gahan being Doug's "chosen successor" is laughable. Everyone knows that Doug's "chosen successor" was Irv Stumler. Trying to nuance you point by saying "this summer" just ain't going to work. Jeff Gahan BEAT the England machine in the primary. That was in the SPRING.
I wrote this once before, I sincerely respect your strong support of Jack. I'm just as sincerely sorry that wasn't good enough for you. Say hi to Ann for me. I miss seeing her.
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