Thursday, February 04, 2010

Unintentional satire, Volume 46: R.O.C.K. warns against "indecent" Stupor Bowl ads.

I totally agree. Those vile, repulsive Budweiser ads must go!

Meanwhile, those of us not hidebound by hormonally mutant Wickensianism will be rushing to GoDaddy in search of the smut, and when we find some, it will be posted right here at NAC.
Are you ready for some football? What you might not be ready for this Sunday are the family unfriendly commercials that will have parents scrambling to get the remote control. In particular, we have learned that commercials cross the line when it comes to the matter of decency.

ROCK President Bryan Wickens stated: "It is a shame that in an event that recognizes the talent, hard work and effort of the players to get to the Super Bowl, there is a company like that not only exploits women to sell its product but also does not care that children are in the viewing audience. As parents, we must always be on guard to protect our children from this kind of indecency."


Iamhoosier said...

I'm glad to know that they are against the exploitation of women. Now if they would just work on not making them 2nd class citizens is some of their own churches.

G Coyle said...

Someone remind me again of the difference between subjugation and exploitation?