Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Travis Hankins quote of the week: Go, nuclear!

I've enjoyed perusing the web site of Travis Hankins, GOP aspirant to his party's nomination for the 9th district congressional seat. Each week, I'll pluck a quote from the nearest modern equivalent of "My Struggle": Hankins's web site.

"Nuclear has to be the wave of the future because it is the only way to produce mass amounts of energy without causing harm to the environment."

Was it Ronnie Raygun who once pointed to trees that pollute? Ah, nostalgia. The preceding is quoted from Energy.


Iamhoosier said...

I'm not absolutely against "nuclur" but one has to wonder if Mr. Hankins has ever heard of Chernobyl.

ecology warrior said...

Lets not forget President Hope and Change took a lot of PAC money from the Nuclear Power industry, so its not just Republicans who sleep with the nukes

Jeff Gillenwater said...

"I have $5 and my plan is to spend it all today. That's what makes me conservative, so long as you don't know what the word conservative means."

ecology warrior said...

better save your money for the sewer rate hike Gillenwater, you might need that $5.00 daily

Jeff Gillenwater said...

It's perfectly understandable, Tim, why you'd be concerned about a sewer rate increase.