Hill’s bid to recapture his seat in a third epic electoral slugging match with Mike Sodrel is being watched throughout the country as a key indicator in the mid-term election.
In expectation of a larger than usual turnout for Drinking Liberally, we’ll be moving the meeting to the Prost special events room. DL organizer Lacy Davis has given me the okay to spread the word, and all readers are cordially invited.
As a counterweight, albeit small, to the prevailing crackpot sentiments of theocratic fascism washing over Indiana's (and the nation’s shores), I’m delighted to host the group and the candidate, and to serve Progressive Pints to those in attendance.
As a reminder, Drinking Liberally is:

Bars are democratic spaces - you talk to strangers, you share booths, you feel the bond of common ground. Bring democratic discourse to your local democratic space - build Democracy one drink at a time.
(Crossposted at The Potable Curmudgeon)
so, how did it go with Baron?
His appearance was brief, and he offered a truncated version of the standard stump speech. Most seemed to appreciate that he stopped. I'm sorry I missed your DL appearance (two or three weeks ago?); I really wanted to be there, but had a prior engagement that evening.
Good press today, by the way.
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