No, it isn't an aerial view of ruins from the Madoc era, or the "little person's" idea of a swank patio.
It's the old bricks peeking through the modern paving on one of New Albany's major arteries.
Can you guess where?
The first correct answer will be rewarded with a half-price demitasse of Progressive Beer.
The second place winner will receive "The Collected Works of Concern Taxpayer" and a matching ink pen cap for storing them for easy reference.
Third place has been reserved for CM Steve Price's showing in the 2007 two-man race for council in the 3rd District.
We hope you have a rainy Sunday.
Can I bump Luke from 1st Place if I'm more specific :-) ?
It's right in front of the BP station, on the gasoline corner of State & Spring.
Gee-- I do not know if this speeks more to New Albany's quality past with streets that were meant to hold wagons and can stand up to semi's or that the streets have not been serviced since the Nixon administration.
Curious Troublemaker: We still don't know who you are. You must e-mail me privately and disclose identity.
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I insist upon this solely to lessen the frequency of malicious anonymity, which plagues certain other blogs hereabouts.
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