Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sweat Equity for slumlordis Newalbansis.


John Manzo said...

Not to be a pest, but this is not a representation of housing in New Albany at this time; nor is it meant to be. It is part of the community art exhibit. I think the picture you have on this is very unfair to the artist and the artistic community. I understand the power of parody but I'd be offended if I was the artist who did this.

The New Albanian said...


That definitely occurred to me. I tagged it as impenetrable satire in part to indicate that I'm aware of the issue of being seen as disparaging art, which of course I am not.

My target, as always, are the asscaps who exploit people via housing.

This is my favorite piece of any yet placed for the public art project, which you know I've supported as much as possible from the start.

But: Given that several other people visiting the beer garden last Saturday brought up this topic (i.e., is it representative of NA housing?) without me prompting them to do so, it seems that some already are reading it that way.

For it to be public art, it must be discussed. It is. Do we want to control the discussion?

Jeff Gillenwater said...

I think it's representative of many issues related to the built environment, heritage and culture, concepts of place and home, and the values we append to and express through them, current New Albany housing conditions included. It's a conversation relevant to both our past and our future.

In positioning the small house as precariously perched between destruction and rehabilitation, waste and beauty, the artist is helping to spur it among many, making it an effective piece.

If people didn't see it's relevance in our community both good and bad, it wouldn't be as successful. I'm happy to report, though, that hundreds of conversations along those lines are already taking place.

The only ones that make me cringe are the ones in which people claim to have unilaterally defined what art is or isn't. Whenever that happens, you can be sure the person defining it is wrong. LOL.

jon faith said...

Jeff remains artfully obscure, the message is gleefuly delivered. I hope party intergity is maintained.

jon faith said...

Jeff ventured his autonomy fiscaly for an assit on his student loans; he's now a consult app for new urb projects prone to fold. Gillenwat.co.de on the matrix: I still love him and miss him.