Sunday, January 04, 2015

Street study? When? Yet again, we turn to Speck himself to receive a straight answer.

In a post yesterday's, Jeff Speck -- he of the the New Albany street and traffic study -- confirmed that his long-anticipated work had previously arrived in town, and was being purged of "typos" and various "errors."

Says Jeff Speck: The New Albany street study has been delivered to City Hall.

Rumored to be among the "typos" removed: "LOL -- what the hell was Rosenbarger smoking when he came up with that Main Street fiasco?"

But seriously, how long ago did it arrive?

The Green Mouse received a second tip yesterday afternoon, this one alleging that the report may have been gathering dust since the first week of November.

Seeing that throughout 2014, and now into 2015, the only reliable source for information about the Speck Report has been Speck himself, I asked him via e-mail: "Yesterday I was told by a municipal employee that the street study was delivered during the first week of November. Can you confirm this?"

Speck's answer, which I appreciate for actually being an answer:

It was, but that was a first draft. The final version should be delivered this week.

There you have it.

Time to turn up the heat, folks.

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