I would probably know just what to do
Don't you?
Terry Boyd: Louisville media and the unasked $64 million questions
When people dissemble, they generally are reverting – sometimes involuntarity– to a Darwinian survival mode.
Especially in a big business or financial deal, they do what they need to do to get out of a tight spot.
But a very intentional message embedded in a transparent lie is, “You’re so stupid, we can tell you anything.”
The problem with a Louisville media that it is so incurious and so math- and finance-challenged is that you really can tell them anything.
When's the aquatic center opening?
As much as I appreciate and agree with the overall sentiment here, Boyd damages his own credibility by citing at least one example he clearly doesn't understand.
To suggest the Speed expansion is/was a Venable ego exercise, for instance, is wholly inaccurate. The expansion has been in the Speed's plans and was moving forward long before Venable. A lack of space to exhibit contemporary art, among others, was a well-known and ongoing problem. An ability to push the expansion project even further along was an issue in searching for a new director when Venable was hired, something which even Boyd says he did during his tenure.
Likewise, as someone else already pointed out in the comments,the move from the Speed to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, where Veneble is now director, was anything but a lateral move. Though it has recently hit some financial snags, IMA has long been a much larger, better financed institution with much stronger collections. It's been working to expand its design collection in particular, which fits directly with Venable's background.
While the timing was lousy, no one much blamed Venable for leaving for IMA because it was considered such a great opportunity.
Some rudimentary fact checking could go a long way here, especially given the the topic.
Thanks Jeff. The overall sentiment was my blunt instrument of choice, and I appreciate the details.
With a quick check, I was able to confirm what I already knew: The Speed board had officially decided to expand its current location (as opposed to opening a satellite facility) roughly a decade before Venable was hired.
For some reason, Boyd's been trying to create Speed controversy for years now. His overall idea in this piece, though, is great. He should try it.
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