Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Does this mean she'll be working toward abolishing it?

In my previous post on appointments to the Human Rights Commission, I made backhanded reference to a Freedom to Screech article in which Professor Erika wrote this:

Instead of wasting time on Human Rights an a Ethics Commission isn't that why we pay Council members and the City Attorney?

Glancing at Facebook, we see that Wendy Stepro agrees with Erika.

Nothing strange about that ... well, perhaps one little thing. At last night's council meeting, Wendy Stepro was appointed to the Human Rights Commission.

1 comment:

Curtis Morrison said...

Roger- While I'm glad you're bringing attention to this nuanced connection, I don't think it holds water. For a couple reasons.

First, Wendy's someone I would trust on a Human Rights Commission, if, indeed, New Albany does have one. (I'm still surprised by that.)

Secondly, "Words of wisdom" is not an implicit endorsement of every word contained in a story that's shared, lest no story would get shared. Ever.

Seriously, when was the last time someone agreed with every single word in a post that you or I wrote? I get calls where people say "I agree with your piece today," but whenever I thank them I always get the "except that part where you blah, blah."