Sunday, August 02, 2009

Diogenes in New Albany ... whatever.

On Friday night, a Bank Street Brewhouse customer asked one of our servers to explain the owner’s political orientation in light of the red stars and socialist tags on the brewing equipment.

Our man made a game effort to interpret, and the customer wrote this on his charge card receipt: “Tell your Commie boss to share the wealth.”

I’m circulating a memorandum to the employees on the topic of what to say when someone asks a question like this. The proper answer is: “I don’t know – we don’t have political indoctrination lectures here.”

But I like this one better: “We don’t care what sort of ‘ist’ he is, just as long as he keeps signing the paychecks.”


1 comment:

Iamhoosier said...

May I humbly suggest a slight addition:

“I don’t know – we don’t have political indoctrination lectures here, comrade.”