Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Looking ahead to city elections in 2015, the Floyd County GOP has a new central committee.

"Please welcome the new Floyd County Republican Party Central Committee: Chairman, Chris Lane, Vice Chair, Aaron Minnich, Secretary, Dale Bagshaw and Treasurer, Shawn Carruthers."

One out of two proper spellings of Dale Bagshaw's name isn't that bad.

Until proven otherwise, what this reshuffle means to me is that fresh off its recent lopsided wins in the county, Republicans are serious about contending city elections in 2015. Dave Matthews got what he was capable of getting in the county, and a new slate will renew efforts in the city.

I'm no Republican, but it's fairly clear that the party's urban odds have gotten far better in the aftermath of its 2014 county/state performance, and more significantly, in comparison with the continued deterioration of the Demo-Dixiecrat political machine, in both mechanics and intellectual content.

Insurgent lines grow ever more sharp. Voting Republican is one thing, but building a credible alternative to our exhausted and cowardly Democrats is something else entirely. You'd think the latter couldn't afford to lose its left wing during challenging times like these, but you may be giving the censors in charge a little bit too much credit for tactical grasp.

It's fairly certain that Dave Matthews and I disagree on most issues, but I'll give him his due: As he steps aside, he has left his forces in fine fettle.

What does Adam Dickey carry in his wallet?

Perhaps a post-it note with U-Haul prices is advisable.

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