Friday, August 28, 2009

NASH: "Father is proud of son."

More good work from Matt, and on a serious, personal topic.

I'd accuse him of stealing story ideas from me, except that I'm childless. But seriously, we're giving serious consideration to starting a Unfashionably Attired Fat Guys on Bicycles (acronyms aren't a strong point with me) movement designed to scare unresponsive drivers into putting down their drippy Big Bufords and squawking cell phones, and paying attention to disruptive two-wheeled commuters like us.

In any event, my guess is the son's proud of dad, too.

NASH: Father is proud of son

It was about this time of the year 20 years ago that someone I know got news that would alter the course of his life forever.


Matt Nash said...

Thanks Roger for the weekly shout out. I really appreciate it.

It was never my intent to stir up trouble just open up for discussion.

The New Albanian said...

You and me -- we're a bit different.

I definitely enjoy stirring the pot and banging on the cage.

Sincerely: I like your work so far. Keep it up.

Bayernfan said...

What a great column, Matt. Very nicely done.

Jeff Gillenwater said...

Agreed. Enjoying your work, Matt.

Daniel S said...

Many in the newsroom have complimented you, as well. Of course I immediately insulted them, but you know that's how things work in liberal media land.

Matt Nash said...

Whose turn was it to change Daniel's Nicotine patch? I think they forgot!

Daniel S said...

Ha. Good one

jon faith said...

World Class pith abounds at the Trib, dancing circles around the LEO and feeling all-the-same very proud. Auspicious.

Daniel S said...

I feel like you called me a spongy plant and I kind of like that. Jon you get my support for using pith on a Friday night. Man I don't get out much

Iamhoosier said...

Daniel S,
Reading "up" this far, after being out of town for a week, it seems that you don't get "out" at all. Have you ever been anywhere but KY and here? Ever read about "anywhere"?

Thanks for thinking about me earlier in the week. Really pissed that I missed all of this. However, I do realize the relief of most that they did not have to endure reading my thoughts. Oh well, their vacation is now over, too.

Randy said...

Iam: So...good, no break ins. Even your friends forgot you were gone. Not me, of course, but your friends.

Iamhoosier said...

I did check closely for ferrets, just in case.