Thursday, May 24, 2007

Downtown furniture corners still windowless.

What can be done about it?

1 comment:

TedF said...

Windows are undoubtedly one of the most important architectural features of a home or building.

There’s a great essay by Bob Yapp posted over at called “Of Paint and Windows, Replace or Repair – That is the Question”. Look in the News section. Bob warns of being suckered in by the “big lie” that original materials are no good anymore. It’s a lie perpetuated by millions of $ of advertising.

What can we do?

Educate – Federal tax credits could be potentially be available for such projects: This could greatly reduce the cost of the project. Got questions? Contact me or Laura Renwick (284-4534) at Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana.

Celebrate – the job that Matt and Jessica Bergman have done at their Market Street loft (Treet’s Bakery on the ground floor) is amazing and a testimonial to what can be done. The windows set the tone for the entire restoration there.

Ted Fulmore
New Albany Historic Preservation Commission