Links to complete video footage of the 3rd district council debate, including the now infamous bootleg of the Steve Price medley, are collected in the box to the right.
NAC’s Primary Primer:
Introduction and 1st council district (D) endorsement (Theresa Timberlake).
2nd and 4th council district (D) endorsements (Bob Caesar and Pat McLaughlin, respectively).
3rd council district (D) endorsement (Charlie Harshfield).
At-large council (D) endorsements (John Gonder, with an "honorable mention" for Jack Messer).
The case for the mayoral incumbent: Why I am voting for Mayor James Garner in Tuesday’s primary.
Tracking Sybil’s (R) prospects: The Bolovschak phenomenon: A nod's still as good a wink to a blind voter.
They didn’t read the instruction manual: Laws, shmaws ... we don't need no stinkin' laws.

Editors: Please encourage readers to report the voting totals at their precincts as they vote during the day. Perhaps NAC can be a real-time reporting vehicle. In the alternative, people can call me at the store and I'll post reports (944-5116).
9th Precinct (5th District) at 9:15 a.m. - 28 voters. That's at the Ekin Av. Rec Center, which hosts Precincts 9 and 10.
38 at 10:30 for the 3rd Precinct at the new Fire House on 4th between Spring and Market.
No problemos so far...
Corydon Pike area had over 100 voters by noon. Voters are coming out in droves in this particular area. A lot of telephone calls from Democrat friends getting ready to go and vote, discussing various candidates. A GOOD sign; I thought some of them may wait until the fall.
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