Monday, February 09, 2015

Must read: "The General Who Never Was: Requiem for Bobby Knight."

This is a wonderful piece of writing, and the city of New Albany enjoys cameos peripherally, throughout, because the author has family ties here.

Speaking for myself, I never fell into the category described by Collins: "No boy had any business loving anything as much as I loved Indiana basketball." Decades later, at crunch time, I sided with Murray Sperber, not the so-called General. The good old days never really were.

To me, Bob Knight always has been a cautionary tale, perhaps a morality play, about how one can be very good at something, but also be consumed by personal flaws. You simply cannot buy into your own cult without there being damaging issues.

It isn't sports; it's psychology. Kudos to Jeremy Collins.

The General Who Never Was: Requiem for Bobby Knight, by Jeremy Collins (SB Nation)

... When Knight was fired from Indiana, Mike Krzyzewski called it “tragic.” And it was. Not because Knight was a victim, but because his time at Indiana should’ve added up to something more.

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