Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Heck, I went and made my own sign.

Your words might be different from mine ...


Iamhoosier said...

Just don't tell me,"NO Laughing".

Christopher D said...

put one in my yard!
NO make that TWO!

Ceece said...


Ann said...

You forgot one:

NO Lunatics

Jeff Gillenwater said...

NO Liars, often confused with lunatics but the motivation is different, maybe

Bayernfan said...

I saw one of those on Oak at Steve Price's property, I was thinking of making one that said "No paved roads. No redevelopment. No investment."

B.W. Smith said...

I love it.

It's always an angry NO! with these people. Do they ever actually support any specific actions other than "no" take-home police cars, cell phones, and eliminating the deputy mayor/city manager position?

If they got everything they've ever wanted - FBI investigation, certification of the books by a third-party accountant, no take-home cars, eliminating a few city jobs, no cell phones, and all of the other malarky we've heard over the years, what would it accomplish?


G Coyle said...

About a YES! sign just to confuse the game?

YES - Sustainable Development
- Transparency and Accountability
- Ecological Restoration

greedygus1 said...

I'm going to stir the pot, but my question is, what is so objectionable about the signs if they are on private property. Do you want to pay more fees and possibly taxes to be wasted by this administration? Where has the appox. $3,000,000 (rounded down), using their figures, been spent to improve drainage to date, and they want more?

Christopher D said...

Whats up neighbor!

There is a strong history behind the organization placing the signs demanding accountability, yet they have none.
They demand the law is followed to the letter, yet illegally place signs on public right of ways, etc.
The group in question slams everyone who dares to sign their name to an opinion they post, yet continually hide behind a mask.
Its not truly about the signs in and of themselves, but th totality of the circumstance surrounding them.

SBAvanti63 said...

An additional objection would be that these signs accomplish nothing positive. To be against them doesn't mean that one is for more taxes and fees anymore than being pro-choice means that one is in favor of abortion. The only means to improve NA, or anything for that matter, is to be for things. As Gina suggests, a YES sign may be what we really need.

The New Albanian said...

There'll be a "yes" post tomorrow that will provide the chance to follow Gina's and SBAvanti's positive suggestions.

edward parish said...

No time to choose when the truth must die,
No time to lose or say goodbye,
No time to prepare for the victim that’s there,
No time to suffer or blink and no time to think.
Bob Dylan - 1978

Randy said...

gus, many of them are NOT on private property. Spam sharks don't quash free speech, just illegal signs. There's a diff.

Lounativ said...

I have only seen the no fees/taxes signs in front of slummy rentals. Hmmmmm.