Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow day for NABC today (Tuesday the 27th).

Because we're a destination of sorts, I feel compelled to let you know that we decided to take a snow day today and close NABC, Rich O's and Sportstime.

We have a couple of key employees who are snowbond in the Knobs, and as far as we're concerned, safety first.

Perhaps we'll do a snow day makeup some sunny Sunday in June ... but it isn't enough to stop work on the Bank Street Brewhouse. Those of us downtown can snowboard down Spring Street.


Unknown said...

Dang! I was just getting ready to head up there for lunch. Next time, I can go get your stranded employees on my way there!

Coop said...

You go Richard!!

I may have to join you in that offer. I love driving in the snow. What better reason to get out than to be taking someone else to work so I can drink a pint and have some pizza!!