Monday, September 01, 2008

Tribune: “'No! Bad council!' But in this case, the ban should stand."

For the record, the Tribune's editorial board has cast a vote in favor of the smoking ordinance, but with no plaudits (and many rebukes) for the city council's methodology in passing the initiative.

TRIBUNE EDITORIAL: Mr. Mayor, sign the smoking ban

Just like a broken clock is right twice a day, we believe the New Albany City Council has got this one right. The ban on smoking in public places is the right thing for our city. We hope Mayor Doug England realizes that too and signs the ordinance.

A broken clock is right twice a day?

Where have I heard that one?

Anyway, NAC's take can be found here: Veto the smoking ordinance, yer Honor. You’ll survive squawking that primarily comes from afar.

1 comment:

El Bastardo said...

I'm surprised they didn't mention redistricting, considering they seem to have lifted several other criticisms from this blog.

In fact, this seems to be the first time in recent memory that the Tribune has sported any type of commentary on local politics on its opinion page. Only now, when the blood starts to fly, do they bother to pipe up and comment. Why is that, I wonder?