Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sorry to say ... told ya so.

NA-FC Parks leader Bill Koehler resigns position (Tribune).

This is a huge loss to the community, if for no other reason (although there are many others) than the ex-Marine Koehler's ability to walk purposefully into the council chamber, and deploying nothing more than a natural commanding presence, reduce Councilman Cappuccino to respectful silence.

We need much, much more of that around here.

1 comment:

Christopher D said...

I truly appreciated the fact that Mr. Koehler would take the time to get feedabck from the end users of the system he was at the helm of, and not just for PC fluff, but he would take a sincere interest in a productive dialog.
Its a shame he is gone, our parks were beginning to really become jewels in the rough.
Cross our fingers that we will have a new Director that cares as much as he did.