--H. L. Mencken

wine and cheese
The result was 19,300 hits, encompassing museums both public and private, and ones located all over America and the world.
In fact, the tradition of the “wine and cheese” tasting as a fundraising mechanism and charitable benefit almost exactly parallels the centuries-long human preference for rendering grapes and milk into potable and edible finished agricultural commodities, which in turn, provide pleasure.
The “wine and cheese” gathering in this context is such a venerable institution that for some, it serves as a sort of shorthand for pomposity and indulgence. As proof, add “effete” to the “wine and cheese” search term and peruse the results; they might have been lifted directly from a Steve Price campaign speech.
Seeing as incomprehension and disinformation are veritable birthrights of New Albany’s “little people,” it’s safe to assume that for at least some of them, neither an educational evening spent at the Carnegie Center for Art and History, nor the Center’s annual habit of pairing one such evening with a fundraising wine and cheese tasting, is quite enough to quell the pain and anger dwelling within the breasts of those for whom the existence of well-adjusted, rational people is an insufferable daily affront.
The sprawling, chaotic and poorly reasoned screed – “bizarre” might be the best word – that prompts these observations can be found here, as scrawled on the toilet paper that dangles by coat-hanger and bent ten-penny nail within the confines of the Luddite Bar & Grill:
FUNDRAISING FOR WHAT? AND, FOR WHO'S BENEFIT?, written by Yvonne Kersey and published at her A Fiscally Conservative Floyd Cty Democrat blog.
You’ll have to read it on your own, and you should, because I won’t dignify the scattershot lunacy by quoting portions of it here. The intemperate gist seems to be that Yvonne received an anonymous letter from a temperance fanatic, and both the unknown writer and Yvonne herself are appalled that people who can afford $60 for wine and cheese, with all proceeds devoted to the museum’s operation, have not yet been put to death, or disenfranchised, or made to eat Spam on Bunny Bread as punishment for their temerity.
As fictional detective Nero Wolfe was known to observe, “pfui.”
All this incomprehensible commotion about absolutely nothing –nothing – pertains to something that the Carnegie Museum has been doing for at least five years, perhaps ten (understand that cultural years are accounted differently in certain quarters): An annual wine, beer and cheese soiree that in a substantive, enjoyable manner results in a fattening of the museum’s coffers. It is neither a fleecing of insensate ratepayers nor an enticement to drive drunk.
For the public record, and conceding that minor details vary from place to place, permit me to unravel the apparently unfathomable mystery of the wine and cheese fundraising process, which probably originated in ancient Greece, such is its longevity.
First, food and drink are donated to the event by civic minded businesses. Next, civic minded people pay an admission fee to sample them, and then these same civic minded people pay a second time to purchase other donated items at a silent auction. When all is finished, the museum has money to pursue its mission, and people are happy.
What? You were expecting something along the lines of the secret initiation rites of the illuminati? Sorry to disappoint, but the wine and cheese fundraiser is a very simple, time-honored and entirely non-controversial activity, one grasped by diverse populations that include Andean copper miners, Kalahari bushmen and ex-Soviet apparatchiks.
But this is New Albany, isn’t it?
Ultimately, disinformation like Yvonne’s serves more than one purpose. Even if intentionally misleading statements derive from ignorance and belie a comprehensive lack of comprehension, those who are interested in real-world truth must expend their time and effort explaining how reality differs from the shady nether regions of innuendo and conspiratorial rumor-mongering.
Disinformation is intended to pin down and exhaust the capable. It is attempted attrition, and we have no choice except to recite the facts for the approbation of those hereabouts who are capable of discernment.
Yvonne, you should be ashamed at foisting this delusional idiocy on the blogosphere. As in the past, I imagine at some point you’ll admit somewhere far down the page, and in the smallest possible print, that you were mistaken – that it’s just your opinion, right, even if you pass it off as fact? – but, of course, you’ll never bother pulling the flagrant disinformation from the marquee of your blog, where it will enjoy a long life of misleading readers.
Given that this is New Albany, that’s the whole point, isn’t it?
...be nice to think we could keep the bar fighting out of the blogosphere, and in the bsrs, where it belongs.
Please elaborate, Gina. I'm not getting the gist.
Take a stand, folks. Scrape together the pennies to join the members of Carnegie Center, Inc., the volunteers who fund the programming for art and history and thus allow the "taxpayers" to sit on their asses and merely hope that they can benefit from a city with a rich cultural life.
One week from next Friday you can sample the finest wines and cheeses, donated by philanthropic sorts, and show the world that you value the Carnegie Center for Art and History. Bring a few extra bucks to participate in the raffle drawings for some major prizes and bring a few more to expend on silent auction items. ALL of the above is donated with the intent of raising money in the single major fund drive of the year for this inestimable asset to the community.
I'll be there, manning the cash drawer for those who, after tasting a fine wine, might want to take a bottle or case home for their home enjoyment. All proceeds go to Carnegie Center programming and expenses not covered by the taxpayers.
That's how you express your opinion. Call the Carnegie Center at (812) 944-7336 for tickets. Ask for the "Discerning Reader" tickets. Save five bucks by becoming a sustaining member prior to the event...and drop by to see the current exhibit, Monday through Saturday, 10 to 5:30.
And to think I cause you "commotion". You sure do give me a lot of credit -- sure I'm worth it?
No one supports the arts, museum, or library more than me and mine. Imagine that. Thanks for all the publicity.
Prior to Yvonne's helpful reminder, I'd not checked to see if NABC was participating in Carnegie's fundraiser this year, but now I'm volunteering and will make sure we make a donation.
Yvonne, just out of curiosity, how do you reconcile summarily trashing the Carnegie Center and bragging about your support for the arts?
Drinking, fighting, and being opposed to progress, seems to signal a certain mind-set in NA. Something about Fin-con's screeching "we the taxpayers" strikes me as some local little people entitlement I don't really understand. The dreath of cultural institutions here should cause each and every citizen to support each and every effort to promote such. Whether it be fried candy bars at Harvest Homecoming, or wine and cheese at Carnegie.
I'm coming from a long time spent in a progrssive political community where the political arena is a place to find solutions to problems so ALL the different groups in the society can pursue their goals. In that sense, I'm still shocked by the class warfare here.
A cultural institution like the Carnegie is by definition a community asset. Other than promoting fellowship and thinking, what about a wine and cheese fundraiser can raise so much enmity? To pick on the Carnegie strikes me as so much drunken fight picking, which maybe belongs at Bir's, not the blogosphere.
Agreed, Gina, especially the class warfare reference. It's intrinsically New Albanian for "class warfare" to connote essentially the same group of whites who define their differences culturally, not racially or economically, and fight among themselves.
Looking at this "sturm und drang" from up on the escarpment, I can't help but be reminded of the old saw: "Never argue with a pig; it'll just frustrate you and irritate the pig."
I am fond of all your spirit but concerned too much good energy is being wasted in argumentation with people who refuse to acknowledge a shared, just, and common good but only want argue.
There's a feedback loop here that is a control freak's delight, especially for one grounded in contrariness (because it feels so good, because it's an easy way to feel powerful).
How many data points are needed? These people are not open to rational debate, they agree to nothing, they will never be allies. Yes, it is sick and built upon hundreds of subtle misinterpretations that feed only their game.
I suggest you let them use their energies to only torment themselves and not waste yours.
mrg - I agree! While I respect Roger needing to answer some of the garbage that flows here 'bouts as political dialogue, in the end our purposes will be better served if we use our energy for forward movement. The drinkers, fighters, and dividers will soon be isolated and then hopefully deflated once and for all.
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