Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Grid Control, Vol. 16: What about HWC's cross hatching correction? Will this be finished before or after Team Gahan declares victory?

On June 22, NA Confidential offered this news item.

Grid Control, Vol. 5: Egg on HWC Engineering's well-compensated face as it botches Spring Street's westbound bike buffer cross hatching.

City Hall shifted into bunker mentality, then on June 29, the blog verified that HWC had conceded error.

Grid Control, Vol. 9: "This was supposed to be discussed with us," but Dear Leader doesn't ever discuss, does he?

The following day (June 30), the News and Tribune picked up the story and reported a seeming resolution.

Engineering firm to pay for, fix error spotted in New Albany street conversion striping (Elizabeth Beilman)

Not a bad outcome at all, and an unusual one given New Albany's slothful history, but give HWC credit. The firm acknowledged the problem and said it would pay to rectify it.

Today, for the first time since June 21, the newspaper dispatched a reporter (Chris Morris; New Albany street conversion likely to begin next month) to the weekly meeting of the Board of Public Works and Safety. It's been 19 days since the newspaper reported HWC's cross hatching snafu admission, and this morning was the first BOW meeting it has covered since then, and so when the testimony was given ...

Sonny Dickerson, with HWC Engineering, told the New Albany Board of Public Works & Safety Tuesday that Spring Street will be ready for two-way traffic early next month. He said all the new signage and signal heads have been installed, except for State Street. Decorative crosswalk designs are also being installed and Market, Elm, Bank and Pearl streets will soon receive permanent street striping. Dickerson also told the board that his firm will give the city a week's notice before conversion, in order to get the word out and inform the public.

 ... doesn't the one necessary follow-up question -- the question most in need of being asked -- go something like this:

Does this time frame include the cross hatching correction?

Of course, neither the city nor HWC has yet to explain the parking space size disparity on the north side of Spring between Vincennes and 4th.

What about that?

Then there's the death trap in waiting at Spring and 10th.

Grid Control, Vol. 1: You people drive so freaking horribly that someone's going to die at Spring and 10th.

Can City Hall so much as acknowledge that something will have to be done about this dangerous intersection?

These are two of the questions that still need to be answered.

There'll be more.

Maybe if we had a councilman willing to ask ...



Grid Control, Vol. 15: Dooring enhancement perfectly epitomizes Deaf Gahan's "biking last" approach to grid modernization.

Grid Control, Vol. 14: Yes, you can still park on the south side of Spring Street during the stalled two-way grid project.


Grid Control, Vol. 12: Meet the artistic crosswalk design equivalent of dogs playing poker.

Grid Control, Vol. 11: HWC Engineering meets with St. Marks, city officials nowhere to be found.

Grid Control, Vol. 10: City officials predictably AWOL as HWC Engineering falls on its sword over striping errors.

Grid Control, Vol. 9: "This was supposed to be discussed with us," but Dear Leader doesn't ever discuss, does he?

Grid Control, Vol. 8: City Hall characteristically mum as HWC Engineering at least tries to answer the cross-hatching question.

Grid Control, Vol. 7: What will the Board of Works do to rectify HWC's striping errors on the north side of Spring Street, apart from microwaving another round of sausage biscuits?

Grid Control, Vol. 6: Jeff Speck tweets about NA's grid changes, and those missed bicycling opportunities.

Grid Control, Vol. 5: Egg on HWC Engineering's well-compensated face as it botches Spring Street's westbound bike buffer cross hatching.

Grid Control, Vol. 4: But this actually isn't a bus lane, is it?

Grid Control, Vol. 3: TARC's taking your curbside church parking, says City Hall.

Grid Control, Vol. 2: Southsiders get six more parking inches, but you gotta love those 10-foot traffic lanes on Spring.

Grid Control, Vol. 1: You people drive so freaking horribly that someone's going to die at Spring and 10th.

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