Tuesday, August 02, 2016

ASK THE BORED: Whither Mickey Thompson?

Late last week, the Green Mouse reported heightened pager chatter among municipal operatives, suggesting a Gahan TV Dinner Kitchen Cabinet reshuffle was under way.

An immediate spike in Bud Light Lime sales seemed to confirm the rumors, though matters remained firmly under wraps, far below the earth's crust (and the 5th & Elm "Big Dig") in the Down Low Bunker.

The Green Mouse believes that there'll be a new Street Department chief, with Mickey Thompson becoming a full-time troubleshooter of special projects, with special emphasis on checking completed infrastructure boondoggles to ensure that contractors have done what they were supposed to do, which should mean the performance of actual work, but probably implies closer attention to Gahan for State Senate gratitude tithes.

While Thompson is to remain seated on the Board of Public Works and Safety, it isn't clear who'll replace him as head of the street department. The mayor is said to be combing the ranks of his immediate family for suitable candidates.

1 comment:

Iamhoosier said...

Mickey is one the few in this administration that I actually trust.