Wednesday, December 10, 2014

NA Confidential wins "General Cantankerousness" at HSBA awards in Birdseye.

There wasn't an award for Best Twitter Parody.

NA Confidential won 12 awards — including General Cantankerousness in its division — at the 48th weekly Hoser State Blog Association Foundation Better Blogging Awards on Saturday at the No Tell Motel in Birdseye.

General Cantankerousness is based on the number of welts administered.

I’m really proud that the great work of the NA Confidential staff was recognized by our bile judges,” said Editor Roger A. Baylor. “Winning General Cantankerousness shows the depths to which we’ll descend to match what other chain photographers, reporters, designers and editors produce every day, and we’re excited to win six first-place HSBA Foundation awards. It’s one of our best showings in the weekly contest in my nine relatively sober months of paying scant attention to awards.”

NA Confidential competes in division four against blogs of similar size:

Freedom to Screech
Kitchen Linoleum
Laryngitis of the People

But in the spirit of déjà vu ... haven't we been here before?

Why yes, we have. Let's return to March 26, 2013 ...

NA Confidential press release takes third straight top press release award in its own competition.

The NA Confidential blog has won Blog of the Year each year a competition has been held for itself, run by itself, and with nary a merger in sight.

NA Confidential serves more than 130 readers housed in at least 23 separate New Albany street addresses. The annual Best of NA Confidential recognizes the individual and collective works of the company’s two contributors and sole voters.

Although Bluegill was a bit annoyed.

I'm just bummed NAC didn't snag a web design award this year. The site template it shares with so many others couldn't be any more innovative and effective, even if the person at Blogger HQ who actually designed it tried really, really hard. I'm proud to work with them.

No biggie. We'll keep calm and carry on as the New Albany blog no one reads.

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