Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Merchant Meeting next Tuesday morning, Dec. 16, at 8:30 a.m., at Strandz & Threadz.

The last time one of these meetings was held (November 18), quite a few questions were answered ... most of them "privately" following the exodus, and almost entirely to City Hall's detriment.

ON THE AVENUES: Really, the word “progressive” embarrasses you? That’s okay, because political cowardice disgusts me.

... But it was my prodding on two-way streets, traffic calming and walkability that prompted the most memorable portion of the dialogue, and in the process, snapped this camel’s back.

But seriously: If you are doing business downtown, consider attending these monthly meetings. Speak up, speak out, say something, and ponder the extent to which the slightest bit of unified, collective action -- the elusive "working together" -- might make a difference.

The city cannot or will not do very much for the historic business district downtown. That much is clear after all this time, and we know the knee pads are reserved for the industrial park.

What can we do for ourselves?

Stick together -- or hang separately?

The announcement for next week follows.


Greetings Friends,
Just a quick update to remind you that our next Merchant's Meeting will take place next Tuesday morning, Dec. 16 at 8:30 AM. Strandz & Threadz will be our gracious hosts at 322 Vincennes St.
The meetings seldom last no more than one hour and are always informative and well attended, we hope you will be able to join us. Our meetings are always held the 3rd Tuesday morning of each month, everyone is invited to attend.
In lieu of our monthly Night Out New Albany event, many have voiced an interest in our shops and businesses staying open late NEXT Thursday night, Dec.18 - exactly one week before Christmas. We'll come up with a catchy name and begin to get the word out ... but please plan on staying open late that evening and making your customers aware of our last minute shopping, festive night in New Albany!
Speaking of festive, as discussed in our previous merchant's meeting ... Downtown Franklin, TN will host their 31st "Dickens of a Christmas" this Sat-Sun, Dec 13-14. I am attaching the link with further information.
Franklin is just outside of Nashville, a nice 3 hour drive. We stumbled upon this magical event last year and immediately thought of how perfectly this type of event would fit in Downtown New Albany and how we all could benefit. I encourage anyone who can make the day trip to do so ...Please google images and review -  let's start thinking of something similar for our beautiful, historic district next year.
New Albany looks so festive, warm and welcoming ... The tree at Bicentennial Park is glistening and business owners have done an amazing job with windows and storefronts. Develop New Albany is hosting a friendly décor contest. You can peek at the windows and cast your vote at
Thanks everyone, see you next Tuesday morning!

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