Wednesday, December 10, 2014

New Albany's new slogan: "Truck Through City" ... Part 59: Hey, John Rosenbarger -- how's YOUR quality of life these days?

This week's twist has been the advent of IMI cement mixers, dozens of them, bolting furiously down the I-Spring Street "on" ramp.

City officials giddy as New Albany finally makes Guinness Book of World Records.

This is a new and exciting development in the city's ongoing refusal to give a damn about heavy truck traffic on residential streets.

Of course, the shotgun-house-sized semis continue to dominate, as city officials spout Yuletide platitudes and doze during "redevelopment" meetings.

Seriously, it's about as big as the farmers market, isn't it?

Let's not forget the pass-through dump trucks.

But they're just a few more days in Jeff Gahan's New Albany on the Down Low. It seems obvious that Jeff Speck's oft-delayed street study is being timed to preclude any substantive action until after the 2015 election cycle. Does this surprise anyone? After all, we're all here because we're not all there ... and Speck has no idea what he’s gotten himself into, does he?

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