Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Clear as mud: Floyd County Health Dept. Hearing Appeals Board has many feelings, but not very much law.

For now, just the decision; analysis comes later.


Floyd County Health Department Hearing Appeals Board

The Hearing Board, after hearing the testimony of witnesses and arguments of the attorneys, hereby finds and orders as follows:

The board feels that alcohol investigations as a food product, falls under the purview of the board of health and safety of people.

The board feels that the ATC applies to alcohol sales but not to safety products of vendors.

1. Permits are still needed.
2. Void the citation.
3. Suspend fees until further notice. Collection of fees from alcohol-only vendors will be suspended.
4. Inspections are not suspended.
5. No refund of fees.


Vice President, Jan Craig, RN

Hearing Member, Cindy Andres, RN


Iamhoosier said...

I know the money isn't the issue but my very first thought is that it makes no sense to suspend collection of fees but not refund those already collected.

I still want to know how your "beer handlers" are supposed to know the rules of "food handlers" since they are expressly exempted by state regs.

And, I still want to know, why now? Health Dept quoted in paper saying they have been doing this all along, yet have provided no proof. Evidently they can't. Some just might call that a lie.

The New Albanian said...

Or, as Josh Hill noted: An Eco-Lie.

Iamhoosier said...

Now, that's funny!

chris said...

Thankfully we are not subject to what everyone feels eh?

PR Gal said...

"... alcohol investigations as a food product ..." What on earth does this mean? Are they detectives? GEEZ!