Friday, January 13, 2012

That gladiator costume becomes him, and vice versa.

“I — Tiberius Severus Octavian Elagabalus Septimius Augustus Claudius Hadrian, the Protector of Pearl, Deliverer of all Downtown Datedness, Master of the Mercantile, and Guardian of the Gates – have embarked on a valiant campaign against the invading barbarian hordes, who would select local authors to write books, change the streets to accommodate humans and not their cars, and go tearing stuff up right during key business cycles … by the way, have I introduced you to my chambermaid? I appointed her, you know.”

It is encouraging that council person Bob Caesar’s interest in economic localism is growing by leaps and bounds. Readers will recall that in the summer of 2011, he took a keen interest in preserving his block-long Pearl Street fiefdom from the ravages of two-way traffic, imperiously thundering to an assembly of business people, “Pearl Street will NOT be two-way!”

Now he’s at it again. Just imagine if his concern for small, independent business might be extended beyond the padlocks on his own front door:

Councilman Bob Caesar — who owns J.O. Endris & Son Jewelers along Pearl Street — asked Thompson if the (Indiana American Water) project was scheduled to start before Feb. 14, which is Valentine’s Day.

Caesar said the permit shouldn’t be approved before Feb. 14, and while Thompson was still at the podium, added “that wasn’t a request.”

But seriously, folks, here’s a topic upon which CM CeeSaw and the senior editor concur. I detest those rat bastards at Indiana American Water, who through their nonchalant incompetence once cost MY OWN small independent business a $10K payday. You go, boy – clamp down on those giggling monopolist water delivery ninnies every chance you get.

Here's the pop-up-laden link: Benedetti names New Albany committee, board members; No action taken on council attorney contract, by Daniel Suddeath (OSIN)


  1. Not that I'm a big fan of Mickey Thompson, but the city council should not be in the business of dictating day to day operational decisions, that's what dept heads and boards are for. Endris is just being self serving by demanding that water company be delayed until after Feb 14th.

  2. of course by Endris I mean Caesar

  3. Thank you EW, J.O. Endris was my beloved great-grandfather. What Bob Ceasar is doing is in no way a tribute to "granndy" or the contributions he made for the last 100 year party.

  4. Bob's comment is from being twice bitten by the England Administration’s complete disregard for the council.

    Was Bob being heavy handed? Maybe, but since Mayor Gahan has retain almost all of the political hacks from the England Admin I can't blame Bob for his actions. It's appearing we're in for four more years of the same.

    Only time will tell if Mayor Gahan has the ability to change the people he is appointing and who are responsible for New Albany's current state.
    I would think it's easier just to change the people appointed.

  5. I will agree with you Charlemagne, Gahan is really no different than England, in fact I believe he is on his way to being worse, but my point is the council is not charged with day to day operational decisions. Telling the water company they cant start work until after Feb 14th is not Caesars decision that is for the Board of Public works.

    Like it or not that would be a function of the executive branch. The bteer thing for Caesar to have said is it would be appreciated for a delay but to make a demand is beyond his legislative authority and position.
