Friday, January 13, 2012

That's not a request, mind you.

Council person Bob Caesar is to poorly-conceived, ill-timed utterances what Steve Price was to Nazis uprooting video poker machines at the VFW. His latest classic is hash-tagged-and-sampled in this Matt Nash tweet.

 Matt Nash 

Bob don't forget the city council is required to redistrict this year 

Here's mine:

 Roger A. Baylor 

Bob, in 2012, it's time to get those two-way street conversions started 

What about you? Channel your inner Tiberius Severus Octavian Elagabalus Septimius Augustus Claudius Hadrian, or pretend you're Clint Eastwood, and tell us what's not a request in your world.


  1. PUBLIC SAFETY = code enforcement and safer neighborhoods and good schools.

  2. I think we have a working title for the bicentennial book.

  3. what's not a request would be for Caesar, Benedetti and Zurschmiede to quit taking the city's insurance plan
