Friday, January 13, 2012

Columnist Nash surveys the Ohio River Greenway's progress.

Kudos to Matt Nash for using Shaunna Graf's standout council presentation last week as the starting point for a column about the Ohio River Greenway. Last fall, I surveyed the same terrain as Matt:

Greenway, 18th St. to Loop Island: Part One.
Greenway, 18th St. to Loop Island: Part Two.
Loop Island/trestle segment

Another reference point comes with John Gonder's recent consideration of the K & I Bridge, and where Horseshoe Foundation money better spent might go.

NASH: Greenway project in full swing

... About 30 minutes into the meeting it looked like it was about time to adjourn and everyone would get to go home early. That’s when Shaunna Graf, project coordinator for The Ohio River Greenway Development Commission, got up and gave her annual update on the progress of the Greenway.

The 25-minute presentation was a look at the history, progress and the future plans of the project.

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