Thursday, August 04, 2011

Midtown walkability assessment to be discussed on August 16.

The walkability assessment presentation is coming to a special meeting of the Midtown neighborhood association on August 16 at the Cardinal Ritter house, and you can click here for the link to a more detailed explanation. The assessment itself can be viewed and downloaded from a link on the Midtown website.


bayernfan said...

I was really happy that Mrs. Bayern and I got to take part in the walkability study...even though she had to be in Ted Fulmore's group and wouldn't go in the group I was leading...nonetheless, it was a terrific experience and I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

TedF said...

hey. I can't control who my groupies are. It just happens. LOL.

By they way, you can download the results now at the midtown site if you want. Josh did a great job with the assessment.