Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11 recap: One fine night with the Bicentennial Art walk.

Plenty of folks were strolling downtown New Albany last evening, and I overheard more than a few who'd been to the Amphitheater for music, stopped to look at the Bicentennial Public Art installations, checked in at Thorpe Woodworks or the Gallery on Pearl, and ended with a meal and libation at one of the eateries. We had a good crowd all night at the Brewhouse.

Leticia Bajuyo didn't really need my help describing the context and inspiration for her "Brew History: All Bottled Up" sculpture, but I stuck around and answered a few questions about beer and brewing history in New Albany.

Slow Charleston, an informal aggregation derived from the group Arnett Hollow, played on the patio and were bluegrassy-marvelous, even for me. The weather largely cooperated with breeezes and a slight reduction in humidity. It's looking like a chance of showers today for the Celts on the River show, but rain or shine, NABC will be serving beers and River City Winery wines at the Amphitheater.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

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  2. Hello! I am writing on behalf of The Dandy Lion, a boutique opening @ 310 Bank Street. We are very excited to be a part of the community, and to climb on board the development of our downtown.

    We will be a showcase/ storefront for independant artists, clothing designers, and jewelry makers, multi-functioning as a non-profit children's art studio by day (as well as other valuable lessons like gardening and living organically), and a music venue by night. We are joining forces with art man Dave Thrasher and plan to do a lot of cross promoting with other downtown businesses like the NABC and hold lots of fun events!

    I was excited to find your blog.
    You can follow our progress at

    keep rocking!

    The Dandy Lion

  3. my Korean is rusty, but it seems like NA is about to get some funky arty store and a store that will repair vintage North Korean radios.
