Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mitch wants a truce. But it's a purge that's needed.

"Their Man Mitch" Daniels, Indiana's governor, artfully buffs and polishes his pre-aspirational centrist credentials even as his economic policies achieve a savagely equal and opposite reaction in neighborhoods.

This is precisely what every single one of the Democratic candidates for office in Floyd County should be saying aloud, continuously, each and every time a voter is being pimped prior to the November election. At the local level, an anti-Daniels referendum is fitting and necessary.

Let's just say that given the local Democratic tendency to refrain from anything as inconvenient as a principled platform, and the local party's unwillingness to take "Democrats" to the woodshed for insisting they're "more conservative" than their Republican opponents, holding my breath would be only slightly more fruitful than looking for flavor in a can of Bud Light.

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